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lexi's pov

"when were you going to fucking tell me you had a girlfriend, abel?!"

I shove the phone in to his face, angry as fuck with this lying ass nigga. I should have known he would end up being like all these other fishy ass celebrities.

the worst part is that he acted so different than everyone I knew, I thought he was actually caring for me. this was just a whole fucking plan to try and get in my pants.

I give him the coldest glare as his eyes start to fuse. "answer me you lying ass nigga!"

holding the phone up, I throw it hard and it lands on the bed, bouncing off on to the floor. it's not shattered, but it's obviously going to be cracked.

"lex, what the fuck?!" he yells at me.

"don't 'what the fuck me,' nigga!" I scream in his face as I get closer to him, searing with anger.

abel squints his eyes at me. "so now I'm just nigga? after-"

"you always been one! you black, right?" I glower at him. "I can't believe you kept this from me!"

"lex, just calm down." he tries to reassure me, but I ain't having it.

this just makes me even angrier. "don't tell me to fucking calm down! just think about it, if you would've fucked me just now when I was practically begging, you would've cheated on your girlfriend and I would've been a home wrecker! do you really think shit like this is okay?!"

I go to the other side of the bed and retrieve the clothes I peeled off from last night. I'm so fucking angry and I feel betrayed. this is so shocking to me, he seemed so genuine to me. how could he?

"how could you do this to me, abel?" my voice cracks as I run a hand through my hair. I am truly stressed as hell, and this isn't helping.

shaking my head in disappointment, I continue, "I thought you actually cared about me."

"lexi, I do care so much about you!" he comes to the side of the bed I'm on as I put on my clothes.

when abel reaches out to touch me, I flinch, and a look of hurt flashes across his face.

"just listen to me, please! it's not what it seems..." he begs, but my eyes start to water.

I hate having fucking emotions. this is why I distance myself from niggas because all they do is come in to your life and cause drama. but the thing that hurts the most is the fact that I actually believed he was trying to help me and he betrayed my trust, which is hard to earn.

quickly blinking back tears, I look at him deeply. "you know how in movies where the guy is caught cheating and he always says 'it's not what it seems...,' this is one of those times, and it is exactly what I think it is." I spit the last phrase out with such venom on my tongue.

grabbing my bag and putting on my sides, I start to storm out the room before he catches my wrist in his.

"let me go! you're such a fucking dog!" I yell.

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