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two days later...sunday

abel's pov

lexi's been visibly stressed out about something lately. every time I brought up the fact that she was overworking herself at the club and then coming home to study to her LSAT nonstop, she would just brush it off and say that she was just working.

I feel like something's bothering her, but she just can't tell me. I know how hard she usually works, and her just going to the club and studying isn't enough to cause her this much visible stress; she's damn near invincible, too strong to be put down my simple studying.

right now, it's about 1AM and we're both laying in the bed watching TV, well, I'm watching TV. she's typing furiously on her MacBook Pro, the same one she's been practically obsessed with for the past few days. she didn't work today since it's sunday.

"lex, go to bed. you're tired, I can tell." I plead.

"I'm fine." she plainly answers, continuing to type on her computer.

every minute or so, I hear a notification and see a little iMessage pop up in the upper right corner of her computer. she always goes to check it, responds, then immediately closes the window.

who else is she giving her time to other than me?

she gets up to go to the bathroom, so I take this opportunity to look at the messages. I know this is bad, but I just want to make sure she isn't playing me or have another nigga on the side.

I only get to see a private number texting her back and forth, but by the time I'm about to start reading the texts, I hear the toilet flush. I quickly put her tabs all back in exact order and place it back in the spot.

damn, she pees fast as hell.

when she gets back in bed and resumes to typing, I hear more notifications go off within the five minutes. 

"who keeps texting you?" I ask a little out of jealousy.

she snaps her head over to me before giving me a reassuring smile. "it's just my professor, educating me about the LSAT and getting my degree in the future."

is that really her professor? I didn't get to see the texts, so I need to read the.

"is it a male?"

lexi chuckles a little. "abe, I told you I'm bisexual. it doesn't matter if it's a female or male." she tells me while still typing.

I roll my eyes, I can feel a small pang of jealousy. "that's more people I gotta watch out for now."

"I'm not going anywhere, how many times I gotta tell you, babe?" she grins and lightly rubs my unclothed chest, and I can't help but feel a little better about that.

"good. I want you to be mines." I say before throwing my arms around her and pulling her closer to me.

"abe, stop!" she drags out the 'e' while whining. "I need to continue studying!"

lexi's computer hits the puffy, soft carpet on the floor, but I pay no attention to it. I just roll over on top of her and pin her down to the bed. she's been in so much stress, I just wants to help her relax.

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