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the next morning...(monday)

lexi's pov

by 11AM, i'm now starting to wake up from the coma abel put me in. I swear I can't handle him at all; his sex game is just too intense for me. he practically has my body under control.

when I rise up slightly from the bed, laying on my stomach, I see abel around asleep laying on his back. his snores are very light, almost inaudible. I can't help but notice how cute he looks while sleeping.

I drape my thigh and arm over his midsection and rest my head against his chest. he's not awake yet, so I don't see the point in getting up yet. my hand traces circles in to his chest absentmindedly.

I realize this is one of the moments i'm fully being able to relax. he gives me peace of mind and offers a little safe haven to where I don't feel so compelled to work, work, and do more work. this morning seems perfectly fine until reality hits me again.

there's still an evil menace lurking behind a computer screen, taunting and harassing me. I still have to study for my LSAT test so I can in to the UM Law School. I also have to fill out the school application and scholarship application form so I can at least save money.

internally groaning, I also realize I have to work today. I hate the fact that I can't take my mind off of real life for even five minutes, only unless I'm sleeping. I don't even get a lot of sleep unless I'm with abel because he just helps me like that.

as if he could hear my thoughts, abel begins to stir and wake up from his sleep. i'm still staring directly at him, and when he opens his eyes, i'm the first thing he sees. it must be weird, even creepy, to have someone watching you while you sleep. i'd be worried about me if I was in abel's shoes.

"hey, good morning. what's wrong with you?" he asks selflessly.

I shrug. "i'm okay."

"are you sure? did you sleep alright?" abel pesters again, trying to do his best to make sure i'm okay.

"i'm fine, honestly." I weakly smile, still remembering all the shit I have on my plate. "nothing's really wrong right now."

he raises his eyebrows at me, like he wants to say something to me or get something off his chest, but apparently, he held his tongue and said nothing. I wonder what he's thinking.

"what are you thinking about?" I ask.

"nothing. is there anything wrong with you, seriously? anything I should know about..." he trails off, almost as if he knows the answer to his own question.

I sit up curiously, staring him in the eyes intensely. his eyes always manage to make me feel some way. they're so dark and inviting, it always makes him seem endless for some reason. like behind that wall he puts up, there's more than you'd ever imagine.

"i'm perfectly fine. I don't know why you're always so worried about me." I plaster a fake smile across my face.

I really want to tell him everything about the hidden shadow harassing me. I want help from him, I want him to be there to protect me. but he can't know why this person is harassing me. he can't know who 'aria' is. as much as i'd like to tell him.

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