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"You've never broken a promise with me before Zircon, but as soon as you see that Pearl you've changed on me." "It's not just Pearl its the earth sister! You cannot just go and take over places full of innocent people!" "You risked your life for nothing." Blue Diamond nodded at Yellow Diamond watching her as she shot at the town. "No! You can't hurt them they didn't do anything!" Zircon looked over there and smiled realizing that the bullet stopped and turned around before touching the ground. "What!? Why is it coming back!" Yellow Diamond smacked it in the water making it explode and jump up. "Put her down!"
    The two Diamonds looked down at Garnet, Yellow Diamond laughed while Blue Diamond examined her. "You're that unnatural thing that happened before my eyes." Yellow Diamond stopped laughing and crossed her arms. "You're also the one that crashed my ship and took over my Peridots mind." "You too are meant to be shattered." "No! No! Don't shatter her, shatter me instead!" "You've gone past that Zircon, I've decided to do something different with you." She let her go letting her fall onto the ground and snapped her fingers. "Zircon we have no choice but to fuse." Zircon got up with a sigh and grabbed Garnets hand. "Don't you dare give up on me when we do this, especially since its only our second time. I'm really counting on you two."

    Yellow Diamond Glared at Blue Diamond and put her arms down. "You let them fuse like this!? You let them turn into another abomination!" "I am not an abomination how rude of you to say that!" The two looked down at the medium sized purple and pink Diamond. "Something serious must be happening if I'm here." "You!? She fused with you to make a great warrior!!" "That's right! The one and only Shulbite! And you don't want me don't bother asking for me." "Even when you're about to meet your end you still choose to be preppy." "Well of course! Why not be preppy when I know I'm going to win!" She punched her fist together summoning her pink gauntlets and purple blades on the knuckles.
    "You think you'll defeat half of the Diamond Authority?" "Zircons all of it, remember she's very important to you all." Blue Diamond and Yellow Diamond snapped their fingers making Gems fall from the sky and land in the sand. "Attack the abomination and keep the prisoners." Steven woke up on the sand and looked around for the others. "You OK Steven?" He looked at Connie and smiled a little bit. "Im just worried that I won't be able to see Garnet or Zircon again." "They're fine Steven. There is no way they'll leave you like that without a fight." He stood up and put his hand out still smiling at her.

   "Do you know where the others went?" "They're over there planning." She grabbed his hand and walked over to the palm trees where she pointed. "But what if neither come back?" "Pearl you have to call down OK? Thinking doubtful won't do anything to help you." Pearl nodded her head low at Amethyst and looked up at Steven. "Your awake! I was beginning to worry." "Don't worry about me Pearl I'll be just fine." "I wouldn't say the same for your dad Steven." Amethyst pointed at Greg messing around in the sand. "Dad! Are you OK!?" Greg put his thumb up and took a deep breath. "Yea, I'm fine." Steven sighed in relief and sat with the others. "Blue Diamond and Yellow Diamond are attacking." "What!? Yellow Diamond!? If she finds me I'm dead!!" "Calm down Peridot! She won't find you here..I dont think." Steven said laying back down.
     "She's coming for me I know it!" Steven quickly sat up and put his hand up sternly. "Do you guys hear that?" Pearl and Amethyst pulled out their weapons followed by Connie and Steven. "What is that?" Shulbite bursted out of the water running past the others. "What-!" She turned around and started fighting off the last bit of enemies following her. "You guys were supposed to go further than this." Steven lowered his shield and looked at Shulbite. "Who are you?" She picked him up and put him on her shoulders.
    "The names Shulbite Steven! I'm Garnet and Zircon fused together which creates a package of complete joy and fun. I might be fun but I won't let them hurt any of you." She got ready to fight again when she saw a large figure come out of the water. "Is that a dragon!?" Steven looked down at her confused and holding on. "You haven't seen it before?" "No way!" She set him down and unfused. "Pearl! We need Morganite!" Pearl ran over to Zircon and held her hand looking at the dragon. "You ready?" She started dancing with her and looked at her again before fusing.
    "That's so cool." Steven said to himself with a small smile. "She sent her Dragon?" Morganite summoned her weapon and put it over her shoulder. "She's desperate." Garnet got up and stood next to Morganite. "Desperate how?" "She knows what Zircon is planning and is trying her best to stop it." Morganite flipped the scythe turning it into a bow and generated a large arrow. "I will not let her destroy this lovely planet." She shot the arrow hitting the dragons gem inside of its mouth making it explode into dust. "Woah!! You beat it with one shot!"
"You all need to go." She summoned two swords out of her pearl and added and electric shock through the Diamond on her arm. "They're sending more enemies and Garnet is in no position to fight.

   "Right." Steven and Amethyst helped Garnet up and headed towards the warp pad. "I'm not letting them get away like that!" The large standing lion like monster stomped on the warp pad and smiled at the few trying to escape. "Oops."  He grabbed Garnets fist when she tried punching him. "I saw you on the report Yellow Diamond sent me." "You put her down right now Lëon!" He heard her deep soft voice and looked at her with his red eyes. "Morganite!" He took his yellow glowing claw and stuck Garnet with it seperating Sapphire and Ruby.
      "I didn't think you'd be down here with these little things." "Who ordered you to come down here?" "Blue and Yellow of course, they ordered me to extract Zircon before she loses it." Steven ran over to the two laying on the sand and shook them. "Amethyst come help me!" She picked Ruby up and waited on Steven so they could find cover. "Zircon come on and give it up. You need to return back to the council and face your punishment." Morganite put up her swords and got in a fighting stance.

"I'm not Zircon."

   She ran towards him putting all her power in a swing and cut through his hand. "I'm Morganite, the warrior of all Gem Hunters." She jumped back and watched as he clamped his wrist. "You might be the great Gem Hunter but I'd never thought you'd break the number one rule...never attack your teammates." "Don't you dare talk to me about the rules Lëon, I sacrificed so much for you all and you guys still plan to invade this earth." He sighed and took his gold and black whip out of his chest. "You've turned into a fool Morganite." She put her arm up as he cracked his whip letting it wrap around her arm. "I'm going to destroy the council Lëon." She grabbed the whip with her left hand and sent an electrical current through it making him jump a little bit.
    "Your tricks won't work on me." He pulled on the whip making her fly twords him. "I'll just take you both!" He charged up a punch and swung missing as she moved His hand with her free hand. "Leave this place." She flipped and kicked him in the chin making him fly back into the air. "Or I'll make you!" She landed and took the whip off of her arm. He got up and summoned another whip with blades on the end. "Pathetic." He whipped again slashing her arms. "I know how to separate you two." He cracked his whip where the others were and looked at Morganite. "I'll take your other hand!" She ran twords him with he swords trying to lure him away from the others.

    "Your feelings will trap you." Ttt He stood over her and lifted his sword up ready to swing down. "Say your last words!" "No!" Ruby held Steven back when he tried to run out there to save Pearl. "You can't go Steven." "She needs help!" "Its not our fight anymore." She let him go and watched as he sat down. "Zircon won't let him hurt her." He swung down clashing blades with Zircon, he growled and pushed down with both of his hands. "Pearl you move!" Pearl crawled from under her and got up limping away. "I'm taking you both in!" He summoned another sword and threw it towards Pearl. "You're here for me.." Zircon moved out of the way and threw her scythe at the sword knocking it away from Pearl and stuck it in a tree. "And me only!" She summoned another scythe and took her helmet off. "Fine." He said with a smile.

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