18 days until the war.

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"I can't afford to lose you again!" "You can't keep me here like this forever Garnet! I have to go and stabilize it before it gets to dangerous!" Pearl and Amethyst looked over at the door where Garnets room was and stared as they heard them arguing. "This is new.." Pearl said kind of worried. "Yea..Zircon and Garnet actually sound kind of ticked at each other." "I'm going to go no matter what you say Garnet." "You act like you're invincible, but really you aren't! You're just like me and the others Zircon do you not see that!? You are able to get shattered and you know from experience! You can die and I don't want that to happen!" "You cannot control what I do." Pearl jumped out of the couch when she heard a loud bang on the door. "What are they doing!?" She got closer and put her ear on the door feeling intense heat as Garnet pinned Zircon to the door.

   "You aren't going." "And who's going to stop me?" Pearl quickly moved to the side when Garnet grabbed Zircon and swung her into the door making it crash open. "Zircon!" Pearl said helping her up. "Are you OK?" "Stay out of this Pearl!" Garnet said as she started walking out of the room. "What are you two even arguing about?" "I said stay out of it!" Garnet put her face close to Pearls making her back up and slightly cower. "Leave Pearl alone. You're mad at me!" Zircon said grabbing Garnets face making her look at her. "And me only!" Garnet grabbed Zircon again and heavily punched her across the house making the wood floor break and come up. "I don't want to do this Zircon but you're making me!" Zircon grabbed Garnets foot and swung her into the dent she created. "You could stop this right now and end it!!" Steven and Connie came in losing their smiles as they saw the damage.

   "What's going on!!?" Zircon looked at Steven and quickly moved him out of the way as Garnet tried to punch her again. "Stop this stupid fight Garnet!" Zircon threw Steven on his bed and grabbed onto Connie shielding her from Garnets strong angry punches. "I refuse to let you go!" Garnet punched passed Zircon accidentally hitting Connie in her chest. Zircons eyes widened when she felt something warm and wet on her and used all of her strength to stop Garnets fist. "Connie..?" She lifted up a bit and saw Connie bleeding out of her mouth and clutching onto her chest. "CONNIE!!" Zircon looked up at Garnet in complete rage and stood up to her level. "Your stupid outburst hurt someone that wasn't even in it!" Zircon grabbed Garnet and pulled her closer. "She's just a child and you still aimed!! I should separate you two right now for doing this to her! All because of a stupid mission!? That's ridiculous you need to learn control right now before anyone else gets hurt around you!" Zircon quickly ran out of the house kicking the door down as she left. "C-Connie..?" Pearl held onto Steven and looked down at Garnet. "Connie is going to be fine OK Steven?" "Where is Zircon taking her?" Zircon came back with Connie still in her hands and ran towards the warp pad pushing Garnet out of the way.

   "Zircon?" Zircon warped back to Homeworld at her old castle and looked around frantically. "Where is it!?" She looked down at Connie as she coughed making more blood come out. "WHERE IS IT!?" Zircon ran and ran until she ran into a huge big bright blue room. "Here..Connie here." Zircon kneeled down by the large crystal clear pool and put Connie in it. "You'll be fine now.."

    "I can't pinpoint on where she went." Pearl said as Amethyst looked over her shoulder. "Come on P we have to hurry and help!" "I'm trying!" Steven kept his face buried in Pearls chest as he sat in her lap. "She wet off of the map! The only place where she could've gone is back to Homeworld and she wouldn't be that crazy to go back..would she?" Amethyst glanced over at Garnet and saw that there was still rage in her eyes. Zircon warped back and walked by Pearl and Amethyst as they were asking many questions about Connie. She pushed past the two and went out side getting some small rocks. "What are you doing?" "Where's Connie!?" Pearl and Amethyst said as she cane back in. "If you follow me I will shatter you." Zircon said as she left glancing at the frozen Garnet. "I can't sit and let her do this alone!" Steven said getting on the warp pad. "Steven! Get back here right now!" "Connie needs my help..!" "Zircon can handle it on her own! You are still a child and you don't understand the severity of the situation!" Garnet stood over him and picked him up to her eye level.

    "I understand that you two obviously need a break from another! You can't go two days without hurting someone anymore! Did you see that in the future Garnet!? Did you see that you were going to hurt Connie and you still did it!? What else is going to happen? Are you going to harm me next!?" Steven said with an angry look and tears in his eyes. "I didn't..I didn't mean too!" "Put me down I have to help!" "I won't allow it Steven!" Steven clenched his fist and punched Garnet in the face making her shades come off, she dropped him and held her face from where he punched it. "Garnet I'm sorry but-" she glared at him with three enraged filled eyes making him back up a bit. "I'm sorry OK? I just want to help Connie.." he stepped back on the warp pad and quickly warped away. "I know where they are going." Pearl said breaking the silence. "Where." "They're at Zircons old castle." "Take us there." Pearl and Amethyst felt the anger Coming off of Garnet and waited uncomfortably.

    "You're fine Connie.." Zircon grabbed a Rock and dipped it in the water turning it into a bright red crystal. "It'll stay there until you heal then dissolve.." Zircon slowly put the rock inside of Connie's Heart and smiled as it glowed. "I guess you can call yourself a real crystal gem." Connie looked at her and smiled. "Thank you.." Zircon lifted her up with a warm smile then hugged her. "I was worried about you. I'm so sorry that happened to you." "It's fine..honestly." Zircon saw Steven and watched as he jumped up with complete joy. "CONNIE! YOU'RE OK!!!" He ran up to them and hugged them both. "I'm so glad you're OK.." "sorry for the scare." They both chuckled at each other as they looked at each other. "Oh..I think Garnet is coming." "Why?" Zircon said standing up with Connie. "I kind of...punched her to let me go." "Steven.." Zircon said kind of dissapointed. "You should've stayed back with them." "Steven!" They all looked at Garnet when she yelled out his name making Zircon put Connie down gently. "I told you not to follow."

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