Chapter 14

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Before I knew it my hand connected with a door and a few seconds later the door opened. "Grace? What are you doing here?" The person who opened the door asked, I looked up to see Stiles. I didn't know what to say I tried to form the words but only felt myself get overwhelmed with emotion.

"Uhm...I don't really know. I just got into this big argument with Chris and-" I stopped myself because right behind Stiles appeared Mr. Stilinski. They both looked like they were asleep and I felt guilty to disturb them. "Actually, I'm fine. I'm sure Lydia is awake I could just go see her. Sorry to have woken you both," I turned to walk away, until I felt a warm hand in mine. I turned back around to face Stiles who led me inside the house.

"I never got to thank you for moving me out of the way from that car. Whatever has happened, you're welcome to stay here how ever long you may need," Mr. Stilinski said with a smile, I returned the smile and gave him a nod. He then continued up the stairs and left me and Stiles at the front door.

"I'll get you some clothes you could sleep in since it doesn't look like you brought your own," I nodded in agreement as we both went upstairs to Stiles's room. I sat on his bed while he looked through his drawers for clothes. He then handed me a plain white shirt, a pair of black shorts and a toothbrush. I went over to the bathroom across the hall and quickly got changed and brushed my teeth. When I walked back into the room Stiles was laying on the floor with a pillow and a blanket.

 "What are you doing?" I asked him.


"Stiles, I can sleep on the floor it's your bed anyways," He stayed put on floor and internally groaned. I felt terrible for not only waking him and his dad up but I also took his bed. I climbed into the bed but couldn't get myself to sleep. "I can't sleep knowing I took your bed," I said looking over the edge of the bed.

"I'm pretty sure you have other things to worry about than taking my bed," he said with a chuckle.

"This bed is big for the both of us, come on," I moved over to make room for Stiles and patted the empty spot next to me.

"You won't stop will you?"

"Nope," I said popping the "P". He rolled his eyes jokingly and climbed into the bed. "See this isn't so bad."

"Well you're the one who practically begged me to get into bed with you, which is a first for me." I couldn't help but laugh.

"I didn't beg, I just suggested."

"Oh really? 'I can't sleep knowing I took your bed.' Does that ring any bells?"

"Nope, none. I can't sleep with your talking." I turned my back away from him and tried to sleep. 

"Grace?" I mumbled an answer to show that I was still awake. "Why'd you come here?"

I sighed and turned back around to face him, "I don't know, I let my feet do the walking and it led me here. I didn't realize how long I walked until I made it to your door." 

"You don't have to tell me, but what happened with you and Chris?" Stiles looked at me with concern.

"He blamed me for exposing all of you to a world you can't handle, that I put Allison in danger. That this whole school situation was all my fault because I lied and said I was out hunting alone. I told him I quit hunting, I just can't handle all of this anymore. For once, I wish I was normal and had to worry about normal people things." I looked at Stiles and his face was unreadable, I couldn't make out what emotion he was feeling.

"Sometimes I'm glad that I'm normal, but you and Scott have this ability people would die for. You both are actual badasses. If I were you, I would put that badassery to good use and not shove it in a corner." All I could do was smile at his attempt on making me feel better.

"Thanks Stiles."

He looks at me with confusion. "For what?"

"For everything, honestly I couldn't have asked for a better friend," At this moment both of our faces fell, damn it Grace you little shit why would you friendzone a great guy like him? Ugh you always manage to fuck things up for yourself. 

"Yeah... Night." Stiles said as he turned around putting his back towards me. I couldn't help but mentally slap myself for what I had done.

"Night," I sighed and closed my eyes only to see darkness.


This chapter is very short sorrryyyy I just thought we needed the Stiles and Grace to set sail only to be quickly docked. I'm going to post either every Friday or every Saturday depending on my mood. I hope you all enjoyed :)


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