Chapter 15

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No One's POV

"Where are we going?" Scott asked Stiles as they walked through the wet asphalt.

"You'll see," Stiles replied. They both walked through the gates to a campground.

"We really shouldn't be out here. My mom is in a constant state of freak-out from what happened at the school,"Scott said with a bit of nervousness in his voice. 

"Well, your mom isn't the sheriff, okay? There's no comparison, trust me." 

"Can you at least just tell me what we're doing out here?" 

Stiles replied with annoyance of all the questions. "Yes. When your best friend gets dumped-" 

"I didn't get dumped," Scott interrupted "We're taking a break." 

"Alright, well, when your best friend gets told by his girlfriend that they're taking a break," Stiles then pulled out a bottle of Jack from his jacket and showed it to Scott. "You get your best friend drunk." He said with a smile. Just moments later, Stiles was the only one drunk, while Scott seemed unfazed. "Dude, you know, she's just one - one girl. You know, there are so many - there are so many other girls in the sea." Stiles said as his words slurred.

"Fish in the sea." Scott corrected.

"Fish? Why you talking about fish? I'm talking about girls. I love girls. I love 'em. I love especially ones with light brown hair, green eyes, 5'3-" Stiles trailed off in his sentence into a daydream. 

"Like Grace?" Scott knew that Stiles wouldn't admit that to anyone, even to himself, if he were sober. 

"Yeah, exactly. Hey, how did you know I was talking about - about - What was I talking about? Hey, you're not happy. Take a drink." Stiles reached for the bottle and handed to Scott,but Scott declined the gesture.

"I don't want any more."

"You're not drunk?" 

"I'm not anything." Scott said in a very monotone voice.

"Hey, maybe it's like - maybe it's like not needing your inhaler anymore, you know. Maybe you can't get drunk as a wolf. Am I drunk?" 

"You're wasted." 

"Yeah!" Stiles put his hand up for a fist bump but Scott didn't budge. "Come on, dude, I know it feels bad. I know it hurts. I know. Well, I don't know. But I know this. I know that as much as being broken up hurts, being alone is way worse. That didn't make any sense. I need a drink." Stiles went to put the bottle in his mouth but before he could, two men appeared and grabbed the alcohol from his grasp. 

"Well, look at the two little bitches getting their drink on," One of the men said with a smirk.

"Give it back," Scott said with a hard look.

"What's that, little man?" The guy threatened.

"I think he wants a drink," The guy's friend instigated. 

"I want the bottle," Scott said with the same look. 

"Scott, maybe we should just go," Stiles said, he seemed to have sobered up due to the encounter. 

"You brought me here to get me drunk, Stiles. I'm not drunk yet," Scott got up from the rock he was sitting on and approached the man. Scott's eyes began to turn yellow. "Give me the bottle. Give me the bottle of Jack." Scott said in a low menacing voice.

"Scott?" Stiles said with concern as he saw Scott's nails start to grow. Scott grabbed the bottle and hurled at the tree behind the man. Scott began to walk away and Stiles was in close pursuit.

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