Chapter 7

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No One's POV

The night before Scott had a dream that he had attacked Allison. Scott and Stiles were on a mission to find the brunette and her sister. Scott had pent up anger to the point where he let all that anger out on a nearby locker. After realising what he has done he slowly backed away, but backed away into someone. That someone was Allison, all the panic in Scott seemed to vanish as he saw she was okay. They both broke away from their conversation once the bell rang and went their separate ways.

Grace's POV

After having Allison take the car without my knowledge, I had to run about a mile, only to realise, 'hey I have magic why don't I just teleport there?' Once doing so I had landed in the girls bathroom stall, but thanking my lucky stars that the bathroom was empty. I looked down at my phone just to see 7:28! Shit! Class starts in two minutes. I made a dash down the hall, making a sharp left and three doors down right into Mr. Harris's Chemistry class.

I saw three empty seats, one by Stiles, one by some guy named Greenberg, or one by a girl named Elizabeth, who I only may have talked to once. I couldn't sit by Stiles after what happened the other night at the Lacrosse game, I don't think I could properly even look him in the eye. Stupid girly feelings. Stiles put his hand up as if by waving me over, but I just pretended I didn't notice and made a beeline to Elizabeth. I put my stuff down and greeted her with a smile and she returned the favor. A few minutes into class and many pages of notes later, Scott and Stiles were talking fairly loudly that I could make out most of their conversation, something about a werewolf oven and a rabbit? Mr. Harris didn't seem to hear the conversation, just their voices or at least Stiles's voice.

"Mister Stilinski! If that's your idea of a hushed whisper, you might want to pull your earphones once in while," Stiles just scoffed at his remark. "I think you and mister McCall would benefit for a little distance, yes?" Mr. Harris said with a stern and annoyed voice.

"No..." Stiles said, a little upset. Mr. Harris just moved his head to the side and glanced at me, as if he wanted me to move in their original seat. I just nodded my head and switched seats with Scott while Stiles sat a few seats back.

"Let me know if the separation anxiety gets to be is too much..."

Suddenly, Elizabeth who is sat next to the window gets up and starts screaming.

"Hey, I think they found something!" She yelled out making everyone jump out of their seat and make their way to the window. The police seemed to have a victim from the bus attack in a stretcher. I used a simple spell that allowed me to listen to heartbeats, but if I could focus hard enough I could just hear his. I was able to hear a faint heartbeat that started to get more rapid, out of nowhere he jolts up screaming making me lose focus and hear all the heartbeats around me. There was one beating faster than the rest. I looked around it was Scott, he was afraid. Then a phrase comes out of his mouth that made me fear for Allison.

"Stiles... I did that."


This one isn't as long as the last chapter. I just wanted to get this one after before we get to all the action parts that are head. I guess this could be considered a little bit of a filler chapter. The next chapter will definitely be longer.


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