Chapter 6 - It has been confirmed

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Romano, Feliciano, Seborga and Antonio are all sitting in the living room looking down at the ground wrapping their faces in their hands and thumping their feet up and down from nerves and excitement. No lights were switched on and the whole house was silent except for the inconsistent beat of feet taping; the only source of light was the afternoon rays being filtered through the large windows of the living room, cause for a dramatic dim lighting to make everyone even more anxious. Antonio lifted his head and looked at the three nervous brothers; everyone including himself were anxious about your doctors appointment, every single person wanted to believe that you had a precious person growing inside you.

Antonio: trying to lighten the mood
In 9 months 'sleeping in' will not exist (fake chuckle)

Romano: muttering back in Spanish so only Antonio could understand him
No me importa , yo con orgullo renunciar a todos los momentos de sueño para un niño ... (I don't care, I will proudly give up every moment of sleep for a child...)

Antonio: nodding his head
When chica comes back and tells us the good news, I want to be there for you three...

Seborga and Feliciano: in unison
We a~want to a~be a~there a~too a~for you a~three as a ~well a...

Romano: grumbling
That a~is a~if a~she a~is a~re--

You walked through the front door with your head mobbing down and Belgium beside you wearing the same body language. The four men jumped up and acknowledged you both with fear in their tone as they look at you both; you walk over to Romano and gesture to everyone to take a seat. You sat in between Romano and Belgium, the other three noticed the signal and sat down without a single word spoken. Everyone was silent and you took Romano's hands and placed them in your lap as you let out a deep, lonely sigh.

You: picking up Romano's hands and kissing them to hide your lips
Around 6 weeks in...

Romano: confused at your suddenly appearing smile
Say a~that a~again a?

You: childishly grinning
6 weeks! (Pointing at your stomach) Someone has been living here for 6 weeks!

His face slowly was engulfed by excitement, glowing eyes and a foolish grin drawn across his face; he picked you up from underneath the arms and swung you around while laughing from pure excitement. Everyone else danced around with excitement, but then reminded Romano to stop spinning you around.

Antonio: hugging you
Congratulations chica!

Seborga: jumping up and down
I a~missed the a~wedding a~but a~will a~be a~here a~to a~meet the a~new a~Vargas!

Feliciano: running back from the kitchen with pasta
Here a~eat a~lot a!

Belgium: kidding around
Do you want the child's first word to be pasta?

Feliciano: nodding his head rapidly
I a~want a~them a~to a~be a~born a~yelling a~ PASTAAA!

Antonio: cheekily smiling

Belgium: playfully suggesting with her shoulders
They're going to born kicking and screaming 'WAFFLESSSS' as well!

Seborga: thinking
Didn't you a~both a~get a~married a~ about a~week ago a?

You: shocked
Oh! I see what your talking about now!

Everyone looked at both you and Seborga in confusion.

You: explaining
I'm about 6 weeks in, which means our child has been existing within me for about a month and a half... (Worried) And I've drunk a lot of wine during then!

Belgium: reassuring you
As long as you be careful with what you consume from now on, no damage should have happened.

You: grabbing Romano by the hands
Say something! You look like your heart just exploded! Your going to be a padre (father) Romano!

Romano didn't hesitate and pulled you into a passionate kiss, no one noticed because they were all arguing over who was going to be the child's aunty, uncle, godparents and whatever title they could get that made them a guardian of the future Vargas.

Feliciano and Seborga: pointing to each other in unison
We are a~Romano's fratelli. (brothers) There a~for a~we a~share a~blood a~with a~the a~bambino! (baby)

Belgium: pointing at her chest
I am good friends with both Romano and ____! There for I should at least be the baby's aunty!

Seborga: smirking
You a~can a~be a~that a~if you a~want a! When you a~marry me a~you a~will a~be a~that a~by law a!

Belgium: stepping back
Aren't you under age?

Seborga: blowing a kiss
I a~know how a~to a~wait a!

Antonio: budding in
I have been there for Romano his whole life! I should be the tío! (Uncle)

You: whispering into Romano's ear
I feel like this might become 'another' global issue...

Romano: nodding and picking you up bridal style
Let a~us a~three be a~free a~from a~this and a~enjoy a~the sunset a!


Don't have anything to say other than congratulations and I'm eating salami <--- cause that is 'relevant' and 'important' XD

Thank you for reading!


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