Chapter 23 - Where is Orlando? He's...

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You sat at the dinning room table with Tino and Berwald trying to figure out what to do next; Feliciano had been trying to call you like crazy and leaving text messages. You just couldn't find it in yourself to respond yet, you were utterly heart broken and weren't ready to listen to Romano's side of the story yet. Emil and Lukas walked in and took a seat at the table to join in on the conversation, hoping to be able to make you feel better.

Emil: looking at everyone at the table
Where is Mathias and Orlando?

Berwald: raising his head
Mathias went to the kitchen to make a sandwich with Orlando.

Tino: taking a sip from his coffee
That is one hard sandwich they are making, they have been in there for almost twenty minutes.

Lukas: monotone
I just saw Mathias in the hallway carrying the dustpan and broom. I think I should go and check to see what's happened?

You: standing up
I'm coming too.

Everyone nodded their heads and got up from their seats to see what Orlando and Mathias were up too. As you approached the kitchen you saw Mathias sweeping up broken glass and mumbling things to himself in Danish; you looked up and noticed that the kitchen window had completely smashed.

You: widened eyes
Where is Orlando?

Mathias: whipping his head around and had tears in his eyes
I only went to the fridge to get the pickles!

Berwald: standing behind your shoulder
Answer the question.

Mathias: dropping to the floor and balling out his eyes
He's been kidnapped!


Ivan sat in his study filling out paperwork; his study was ice cold and lacked any sign of human existence beside from the Russian who mopped in a heavy pine chair at a desk constantly glancing over at a window, sighing each time they saw snow falling. A beep came from his laptop and a message came up, Ivan put down his pen and placed all his attention on the message.

Ivan: mumbling to himself
Orlando has gone missing?

The study door screeched open and revealed Belarus standing dead centre in the door frame with perfect posture, her hands behind her back and a murderous grin dancing on her pink peach coloured lips. Her presents made Ivan uncomfortable and nervous, he glanced around the room trying to plan an escape; even jumping out the window three levels up high looked more advertising that being with his psychotic little sister.

Belarus: death staring Ivan with a grin
What did you say big brother? Missing? Who?

Ivan's eye twitched as a sick feeling hit his stomach, he could tell that straight away that she was responsible for the three year olds disappearance. Thoughts flooded his head and he could barely see straight, his vision blurred at the horrible thoughts; what if she killed Orlando and came to give his cold dead heart to Ivan as some sort of sick marriage proposal. Orlando was Ivan's little sunflower, granted that he was never given that much time to see Orlando due to some other nations afraid that he would cause injury to the child, but ____ allowed him to grow close to her child. Ivan knew that he had to say something and he knew that Belarus could tell that he was wordless from his shocked state, he was only a player in her wicked mind games; he forced out a few words.

Ivan: raw voice and chopping words

Belarus: holding her hands by her side
Don't worry big brother I will always look after you... And make you happy. (Looking over her shoulder) okay.

A head poked out from behind Belarus's dress, dark brown auburn hair flopping over their large and cheery green hazel eyes. Orlando smiled at Ivan and let go of Belarus's dress running over to him with open arms yelling out Ivan's name in happy giggles. Belarus snatched at his arm and pulled Orlando over to her while looking him in the eyes, she swayed her head in disappointment and glared at the confused Italian.

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