Chapter 12 - The 1st year is over!

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Your looking through your closet trying to be as a quiet as possible not to awake Romano; Orlando is sleeping in his room next door, except Emil is in his room too having a sleepover because he wanted to be there in the morning for Orlando's first birthday. As you searched through your closet for a suitable outfit for today's event, your mind wondered away and you thought about this first year with Orlando. In his first year of life he has displayed his love for animals and music, his obsession with olives, the unbreakable bond he shares with Emil and his infectious laughter that can set fire to even the most dampest of days. Everyone absolutely adores Orlando and it is obvious that his existence is bringing nations closer together, letting them celebrate the importance of youth and loyalty; being that he has only existed for twelve months he has taught even the oldest of nations what it means to be fair. You pulled out a pair of ripped jeans and an eloquent floral patterned blouse, the outfit was basic and practical, but also had a sense of neatness to it.

You: looking in the mirror and grinning
Yep, no mum jeans for me yet...

Romano: chiming in
You a~still a~got it a!

You whipped your head around and saw Romano sitting up in the bed smiling at your happy attitude.

Romano: smiling
Happy a~one year a~ago of a~bringing a~Orlando into a~the world a!

You: walking over and kissing Romano on the cheek
Wrong person, but thanks, I tried my best even tho I was asleep during it all! Okay, I'm gonna check on the boys, you might want to get dressed soon... Il mio ragazzo pomodoro (my tomato boy)

Romano: watching you leave
I'll a~be out a~in a~bit a~to a~see the a~compleanno di oliva ragazzo. (Birthday olive boy)

You nodded your head and quietly closed the room's door, right next door was Orlando's room, so you quietly opened it and peaked through. There you saw Emil and Orlando curled up against each other on the spare bed that was next to Orlando's cradle. Emil slowly lifted up his head being careful not to disturb Orlando's slumber, he looked up at you with sleepy eyes.

You: smirking
I see Orlando was 'fussy' last night, couldn't sleep on his own, eh?

Emil: softly smiling
The little olive boy needed his big brother.

You: giggling
I see! ... Just make sure to get me when he is awake and ready for me to dress him up.

Emil nodded his head and rested it back down beside Orlando's, wrapping his arm around the one year old's small body.


You were sitting in the living room with Vladimir, the Nordic 5 (minus Emil), Belgium, Antonio, the soviet siblings, Matthew, Alfred, Arthur, Francis, Kiku, Feliciano, Seborga, Heracles (Greece), Erizabeta, Roderich, Romano sitting next to you and a mountain of presents in the corner of the room. The peaceful conversations were disrupted by Emil walking in with Orlando being carried against his hip, Emil slowly lowered the excited and wiggling one year old down and he stumbled over towards everyone while tightly holding onto a puffin plushy that Emil gave him that morning. He went up to each person one at a time and kissed them on the check, while showing them his present from Emil and giggling.
Emil walked over and took a seat on the floor beside the coffee table, watching Orlando's growing excitement; once Orlando welcomed everyone he walked over towards Emil and sat in his lap, patting the puffin plushy. Everyone watched Orlando's excited face, he loved seeing all nation, but suddenly his face began to weaken as he looked around the room; he turned around in Emil's lap and began to sulk into his chest.

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