Chapter 45 - I'm only human

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   Insanity                   Stupid woman!                                 Insanity                                                                                 Insanity
Psychotic                                                                                    Psychotic         Did you hear about what she        Psychotic
Madness                           She's crazy!                                Madness          did to her husband's brother?       Madness
      Deceit                                                                                      Deceit                                                                                    Deceit

And the list goes on and on, no matter who, no matter their social or mental statues, everyone here had something to say about you. You'd been in this mental ward for over three weeks now and everyday is the same, you stay in your room sitting on your bed all alone watching life out the window; you were once that free. Turns out Matthew did confess to what you did and that mixed with poor Feliciano's experience it was obvious that something was wrong, hence Romano imminently booked you into the nearest mental help centre ASAP. Due to no one still not knowing about your kidney cancer and you being locked away from society, you haven't been able to receive the medication and treatment for it in almost a month; the pain was becoming too obvious for you, but your trying not to draw any attention.

*knock, knock* 

You: focusing on the window

Nurse (Millie): opening up the door and pushing in a food trolly
Afternoon Mrs Vargas, are you ready for lunch.
It's a choice of either lamb cutlets with snow-peas, spinach and apple source or Shepard's pie with a garden salad.

You turned around to face the nurse with pinned back curly black hair, grey eyes and rosy cheeks that have the same pigment on her lips. The girl seemed a little younger than you, roughly in her early twenties; she was your favour nurse here and only friend, she was so calming to be around.

You: monotone
I'm not hungry Millie.

Nurse (Millie): pulling the trolly out
I'll come back a little bit later then.

The door slowly closed and your room was just as solitary and dark as always, leaving you stranded in your own thoughts. You turned back around and focused back on the window, your only reminder of the real world; of your old life, of friends, family... Orlando. The whole time you were here you didn't have a desire to go back home, this seemed like a place to think, to reflect on all the dumb things you did; however it also caused for your body to decay. It was time..

You: getting off your bed and walking over towards the door
Millie! Millie come here!

Within seconds you heard footsteps echoing down the hallway, then the door opened; Millie looked up at you with curiosity.

Nurse (Millie): holding her hands behind her back
Yes, you called?

You: looking her dead in the eyes
I have kidney cancer.

Her mouth gaped open and a bottle of piles fell out of her hands behind her back and landed on the floor, you watched as the bottle rolled over and the name tag 'Baxter' was displayed. Then you glanced up at Millie and saw tears pouring out of her grey eyes.

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