Chapter 36 - Can't play pretend everything

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Orlando: Opening up his bedroom door
Honey, I'm home!

Noelia got up from a chair and excused herself as she walked over to Orlando to welcome him with a hug; leaving Seborga alone at a small wooden table filled with sweets and tea.

Seborga: talking in a baby voice.
Yay a! Papá is a~home a! (He cringed at what he was saying)

Orlando walked over to the table while holding Noelia's hand in his, patted Seborga on the head and then looked down at Abree who was cheerfully wiggling around in her baby stroller.

Orlando: kissing Abree on the cheek
Hello my baby!

Noelia: struggling with talking English
Orlando come a~sit a~have a~tea a!

Seborga: quickly breaking character
Good a~job a~your getting a~better a !

Noelia had a glowing smile on her face and sat down at the table, pouring Orlando a cup of 'warm' tea (ice tea) and handed him a fresh cupcake she baked this morning before coming over to play. The three of them all sat there eating, drinking, making Abree giggle, but most importantly helping Noelia learn English. Orlando thought that by playing families this would be a good way to help Noelia learn English, plus everyone wanted to include little Abree in somehow; she played the part of the baby perfectly. A knock on the door got Abree up out of her seat and she went over to answer the door, she planned to meet who ever it was in English; she opened the door.

Abree: smiling at Feliciano
Hello a~Feliciano and a~welcome a~out a!

He looked at her in confusion for a second.

Orlando: jumping up and yelling at Noelia
It's in!

Noelia: blushing with embarrassment
In a! Welcome in a!

Feliciano: crouching down to get on Abree's level
You a~did a~great job a! Don't give a~up a!

Seborga: taking a sip from his ice tea
Is a~something wrong a?

Feliciano: gesturing to down stairs
Bella has a~made a~lunch a~and wants everyone a~to go a~get it a.

Orlando sprang up from his seat and ran over to Noelia yelling 'let's go get lunch' to her in Italian while grasping her hand and they both ran down giggling.

Seborga: getting out of his seat with a smirk
I a~don't know a~what I a~would say a~if they both a~don't get married a~when their older a.

Feliciano: picking Abree out of her stroller
I a~already called a~dibs on a~best man a~when I a~first saw a~how Orlando a~smiled at her a!

Seborga frowned at the cheery Italian with a huff and then looked down at the precious baby he was cradling in his arms.

Seborga: making Abree giggle
I a~call a~dibs on a~walking Abree down a~the isle when a~she gets a~married a!

Feliciano looked at Seborga in confusion, wasn't it meant to be the father that walked their daughter down the isle and gave them away? Isn't that Romano's job? It was way too early in her life to be worrying over this, she was no more than three months old.


You kissed Orlando on the cheek and rustled up his beautiful hair as you stepped away from your peaceful son, lost in a blissful dream. You switched off his bedroom light and closed his door, slipping into your bedroom right next door; Romano appeared to already be asleep and Abree seemed to be snuggled up in her crib as you took a quick glance at her while slipping into bed. An arm wrapped around your waist and you snuggled up into Romano's simple embrace, sneaking the occasional kiss against his neck; he let out hushed giggles each time you did this. You laid in your bed lost in thought, your life was perfect, you were married to an amazing man, lived in the country of your family's origin, had two perfect children to call your own, were surrounded and befriended by the world's nations; you wished you had gotten hit and kidnapped earlier in your life. A smile grew on your face, but was invisible in the dark room as you thought about how your life has changed so dramatically. Your eyes began to get heavier and you were almost asleep, but your bedroom door swung open and the light flicked on; Orlando jumped onto the bed shouting.

Romano: sitting up in pain
Gahhh! Orlando don't a~step on a~me a~there a!

You shot up out of your bed and looked over at Romano in shock, he clearly was in major pain and tears began to pool up in his eyes. However Orlando was jumping up and down on your bed with tears in his eyes too and screaming something about Abree.

You: holding Orlando still and looking him in the eyes
Orlando, calm down and tell me what's wrong.

Orlando: heavily breathing
Grandpa. Rome. Was. In. My. Dream. And. He. Told. Me. To. Wake. Up. And. Get. Someone. To. Check. On. Abree. Because. She. Is. In. Danger.

You lifted your head up and released Orlando, jumped out of bed and walked over towards Abree's crib; she seemed to be okay and sleeping well. That's when you realised that she was sleeping, she usually wakes up so easy just over a sneeze, Orlando's scene he did just then should have woken her up and made her cry. Feliciano and Seborga bursted through the bedroom door and looked startled, both panting and worried. You reached down to grab Abree, but as soon as your hand came into contact with her you pulled away for a moment from shock.

You: looking at her and stammering
S-she's boiling... She's over h-heating! Quick! Someone call the am-ambulance!

Romano was the only one who managed to find his feet and raced over to his jacket to fish out his phone, wasting no time and dialled for help. You took Abree out of her crib and removed most of her clothing, ordered Seborga to get you a damp cloth and tried to cool her down; she wasn't showing any sighs of consciousness. Orlando began to worry over her, so you had him go down stairs with Feliciano to calm down, removing him from this already stressful situation was a necessary choice. Romano was still on the phone, put told you that an ambulance was on its way; lists and lists of possible causes and illnesses for Abree's sudden illness flooded your mind. She was just so young and you weren't ready to let her go, she is a true miracle and has a greater purpose in life than to just end it here; it's just a little cold, nothing to do with her other medical problems.


Funny story time!

So I wrote this in the car on our way back home from our inter state visit, anyway we just went through Coffs Harbour like five minutes ago (when your reading this it would deferentially not have been that recent XD) and saw the Big Banana. Me being the stupid freakster I am convinced my little sister (actually I didn't really need to convince her, she would follow me into war blind folded) anyway, when we got back into our car and began to drive past the Big Banana we both stuck our heads out the window and yelled 'POTASSIUM' at the top of our lungs.
Our dad hates us now XD

Last night we stayed in a place that was beside the ocean, but that's not the reason why my sister and I fangirled (We haven't been to the beach for about three years). The city we stayed in was very influenced by Italian culture and had a large Italian population, so naturally my both stuck our heads out of the car and started looking for a few certain Italians ( we stick our heads out of the car doing random stuff a lot, it's considered normal now). So we both started yelling Feliciano, Romano, Lovino over and over agin; our dad even started to yell it out too while he drove (once one member of our family goes nutty we all do XD), anyway the next moment of after yelling for about a few minutes a guy who was walking on the sidewalk yelled back 'Si!'. We died! XD

Thank you for reading!


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