Chapter 40 - Celebrate death, don't hide from it

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You, Romano, Seborga and Feliciano were off giving your condolences to Noelia's father and her remaining family members; to everyone's disgust her mother never came to attend her funeral, Giovanni said he wasn't surprised because she never made any efforts to see her once she walked out on the two all those years ago. Noelia's body was found down stream lifeless, frozen, covered in scraped and all mangled up in her long hair and lily pads. Her body was lowered into the ground about 10 minutes ago, protected in a beautifully crafted oak coffin and resting on a bed of white silk. Orlando was sitting under a beautiful willow tree that guarded Noelia's grave, he was right next to her, even though she was six feet under; to the right of her grave was Abree's. He was sitting in between two of the most important girls in his life, both with beautifully carved headstones and an abundance of flowers to cover the horrid looking concrete grave; he liked to think that the flowers were like a blanket that covered them both while they 'slept' and soon will awake. A French accent caught Orlando off guard and he lifted his head up to see Francis walking over towards him sporting a rather similar appearing black suit to his.

Francis: standing in front of Orlando and looking down at him with a weak smile
Mon garçon Courageuses, (my courageous boy) do you mind if I join you?

Orlando: gesturing to him to take a seat
S'il vous plaît. (please)

Francis got down and sat with crossed legs on top of lush green grass not caring about soiling the suit and sat directly opposite of Orlando between the two special graves that possessed the dormant bodies of two dearly beloved girls. An awkward silence fell between them both, except Orlando didn't seem fazed by it, he was sandwiched between two people he would never see again; nothing felt like it could hurt him again, once something is broken it's broken. Orlando lifted up both his arms and placed them on each of the edges of the graves and wiggled his fingers back and forth; almost like he was trying to stroke both their cheeks with his fingers. Tears pricked his fragile eyes and then he looked up at Francis, searching for an answer he so desperately craved with all his might.

Orlando: fighting back his tears and mustering up his voice
How do you know that you really love someone?

Francis's face went weak for a second, he could see how much courage Orlando had to gather to ask such a simple question that had an almost impossible answer to describe.

Francis: thinking and speaking from the heart
Well, when you truly love someone, you love them unconditionally.
This love is not 'because' of something, or 'if ' they do something or even if they 'have' something; those kinds of loves aren't pure and are driven by greed.
You are completely blind to why you love them, that's why they say love is blind.
There is no reason why you love them, but you know that there is a connection once you realise you can't describe why you love them.
You would do anything for them and to see them happy.

Orlando stood there in silence, for some reason he was feeling better; he's suspicions were correct.

Francis: glancing at Noelia's headstone
That's why you let her jump, wasn't it?

Orlando: placing his hand on her grave
She said she wanted to be free from earth, and I allowed her for some reason... (Orlando reached his other hand up to his lips and softly touch them) She also said that she loved me... (looking up at Francis) always loved me.

Francis smirked up at him, he imminently caught onto what he meant towards the end of then sentence as he lifted his fingers up to softly gaze them against his lips.

Francis: getting up and offering his hand to Orlando
I understand now.
Do you still want to try and do that speech or will it be too much?

Orlando cocked his head up at Francis and showed an old expression he hasn't used in a long time, Francis soon returned a soft smile back at him.


Orlando was standing up in front of a church with a microphone in front of him, waiting for everyone to get seated for the final segment of the funeral; farewell speeches. Orlando glanced over at a framed picture of Noelia smiling and then reached down at his neck which was wearing the necklace she forced into his pocket that fate filled day along with the on her father gave him the day of the earthquake; before the two best friends ever met. He picked up her necklace and rubbed it against his fingers trying to summon strength to deliver the speech, then he realised that there was small bumps on the back of the silver cross. He turned it around and noticed that something was engraved on the back of it, O.V + N.A (Orland Vargas and Noelia Agazzi) with a love heart at the end of the initials; tears pricked in his eyes again and he held it close to his chest before tucking it back into his shirt next to his. Everyone was finally ready and Orlando built up the courage to form the first word, he felt braver all of a sudden; all most like Noelia was there cheering him on.

Orlando: delivering his speech he was making up on the spot, but from the heart
I've never thought that I would loss two of the most important people in my life with just under the same month. Everyone I talk to or are even in the same room with act like I am carrying emotional scars and filled with depression, I'm not.
I didn't witness anyone's death, but instead I witnessed a glorious rebirth to a life someone always craved; finally being set free of her struggles.
Today we aren't abandoning Noelia in a 6 foot deep hole, but we are just burying her 'vessel'. That thing that made her visible on earth, so we could see her and so she could have brought new souls to earth; she will never be able to do that. When Noelia was found in the river that wasn't her anymore, that was only her 'vessel' that was missing it's 'pilot', the true Noelia was safely in a better place before a tear even threatened to fall. We can't bury her soul or keep it looked up in a glass jar, a soul is too pure to ever be touched by hands; only ever by another soul that feels somehow compelled to that soul, such as true love, you have no idea why you love them, but also have no idea why you can't stand to not see them upset.
All I ask is that you cut off your tears, throw your snotty handkerchiefs away and celebrate her death, don't hide from the truth!

Silence fell and everyone was shocked by Orlando's sudden change in tone, just this morning he had to be dragged out of bed and basically took a shower in his own tears. A sudden quiet applaud caught all the attention off of Orlando and onto Francis who was giving the little Italian a standing ovation, then Antonio stood up, followed by Gilbert, you, the three Vargas brothers, Giovanni, Noelia's cousins, etc. Within seconds of Francis standing up everyone in the audience were on their feet and applauded Orlando for his bravery and his honest speech.


I know this is meant to be a 'sad' kinda chapter, but I'm am ridiculously proud of Francis's and Orlando's speech type things. I thought of those somehow and am kinda convinced if I should get into politics and blow people away with my 'fantastic' speech skills XD <--- I honestly suck as public speaking, I once vomit while doing one, in front of my whole 5th grade class and I wish I can say I have gotten better, but then I would be lying 

Thank you for reading!


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