Chapter 39 - The Bridge of the Broken become released

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You: talking on the phone
Will do, okay have a good day too.

You hung up the phone and looked over at the living room to see Orlando practicing on the acoustic guitar, he's improved so much and Antonio's lessons are just so enjoyable for him.

You: clapping when he finished a song
Bravo! Bravo!

Orlando looked over at his shoulder and had a small smile on his lips; he was still very depressed over Abree's death and Noelia got suspended from school for almost a month due to the fight. The boy she punched up got a busted lip, several bruises, scratches and had to get several stitches along with heavy pain medication; no one expected to see such a reaction from her, she was completely devoted to Orlando, to the point where she proudly took her punishments.

Orlando: putting his guitar on the couch and frowning
Mamma, that was a sad song, you don't applaud a sad song.

You: looking at him with heavy eyes
Oh, I'm sorry.
I was talking with Giovanni just then and he said that Noelia is at the river playing, do you want to see her?

Orlando: hopped of the couch and walked over to the front door silently
Si mamma...


Orlando looked around the luscious park looking for Noelia, then he finally spotted a girl with long straight chocolate coloured hair dressed in a flowing light teal coloured dress that had black polka dots. She was sitting in between the handrails of a wooden bridge, swaying her feet back and forth, watching the water streaming by. Orlando ran over to her with a smile on his face and sat beside her, giving her a huge hug.

Orlando: pointing down at the sharp rocks in the river
Non cadere, l'acqua è molto profonda e piena di rocce taglienti. (Don't fall, the water is very deep and full of sharp rocks)

Noelia: looking up at him with lifeless eyes
Si, lo so. (Yes, I know)

Orlando: foolishly smiling
Quindi cosa vuoi fare? (So what do you want to do)

Noelia: sighing
Possiamo solo stare qui e parlare? (Can we just sit here and talk)

Orlando: picking up on her depressed vibe
Noelia, per favore non sento triste fuori quello che è successo a scuola. (Noelia, please don't feel sad about what happened at school)

She didn't respond, only fixed her eyes on the river, tears falling from her eyes and landing into the river being washed away. Something was differently wrong with Noelia and Orlando needed to fix it. He leaned in closer to her and brushed a strand of hair back behind her ear before taking a hold of her hand and continuously tranced a smiley face on it. She looked up at him with tear stained cheeks, taking in all his features before cracking a fake smile. A sudden hand full of coins filled Orlando's hands, he looked at her puzzled.

Noelia: Nodding over towards a gelato cart
Vai noi ottenere qualche gelato. (Go get us some gelato)

Orlando shot up and slipped the money into his pocket, before he could run off Noelia grasped onto his hand and stared up at him for a quick second. Scanning his face like this would be the last time she'd ever see him; then she let go and he ran off to fetch the treats. Noelia shakily got up onto her feet and scanned around looking for anyone, the gelato cart was rather far away and out of sight from the bridge; hulling herself up onto the bridge railings and holding out her arms to balance she took in a deep breath. Her eyes instinctively opened up and she looked down, the bridge was raised very high above the river; a fall would differently be fatal, carrying the body down stream easily. There was a reason why this bridge was named 'Il releaser di rotta' (The Broken's Releaser), this river was beautiful, but was famous for successful suicide attempts. It was all started by a woman on her wedding day that jumped off this bridge; it was said that she caught her future husband cheating on her with one of her bridesmaids. Then she jumped making everyone watched as she fell head first into the water wearing her wedding dress, being followed by 'red water' as her lifeless body floated down stream. Yelling snapped Noelia out of her daze as she felt someone grip onto her wrist pulling her back and landing on the main part of the bridge; Orlando had her tightly secure in his embrace as he cried into her shoulder as they both sat on the bridge.

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