Chapter 38 - Noelia's rage

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You insisted to Orlando that he should stay home, but he had already missed out on two weeks of school mourning Abree's death, attending her funeral and wake. He said he wanted a change in scenery, being at home only made him more depressed as he was convinced that the ghost of Abree was haunting him, he wanted to do something to keep his mind off her passing. You understood, he wanted to spend time around Noelia and his other classmates to give him the closure he craved, even though Noelia did attend the funeral, he still needed to spend more time around her to clear his mind. Both you and Romano were very shook up about her sudden death, but Orlando's mental health was the up most importance now, so you both devoted every second to keep him in a happy mindset; this was a real struggle. Feliciano, Seborga and all the nations were just as shocked about Abree, so they all insisted on spoiling Orlando more than they did already; and then there was your father. Your father wanted to see Orlando straight away, he had only meet Abree once and was utterly heart broken; he then tried to convince you to get your family to move to America. Thankfully Romano was just as against it as you were, Orlando loved his grandfather, but his soul belonged to Italy; how would you explain to your father that your married to a personified country and your son was one too. The doctor said that Abree's weak heart gave out and she fell into a coma, something you were warned about when she was born.


Noelia: cheering out
Orlando! Aspetta! (Wait).... Wait a!

Orlando stopped in his tracts and turned around to see who was calling out his name, he had a sneaking suspicion that it was Noelia since she is the only one who would attempt to use English around him. Noelia was running across the school yard with her school bag flopping around on her back, her beautiful long chocolate hair flowing behind her like a cape and a contagious smile on her face with a spring in her step. She looked so angelic with how the sun lite up her form, forcing the first small smile to form on Orlando's lips for over two weeks. Before Orlando could brace himself or before Noelia could stop herself she ran into the Italian, knocking him onto the ground with a thud and herself sprawled out onto of him, contagious giggles streamed out of their throats which signalled that they were both unharmed.

Noelia: looking at Orlando's face that was resting against the ground
È sembrava buono laggiù così! (You look good down there like that)

Orlando took a quick breath in and blew Noelia's draping hair out of his face, imminently locking his green hazel eyes with a pair of brown eyes sparking down at him with joy. Her head was towering over him and was perfectly framed by the bright blue sky behind her, yet again making her look angelic, almost goddess like. He tried to wiggle out from underneath her, but she clamped her hands on his shoulders and kept him still, giving him a cheeky smirk; he was able to reach his finger tips up to her sides and tickled her. Noelia bit down on her tongue and tried to hold in her laughter and keep Orlando pinned to the ground, her face flushed red from trying to hold in her laughter; Orlando unconsciously wore a foolish grin across his face.

Orlando: laughing
Smetterò quando mi lasci andare! (I'll stop when you let me go)

Noelia: letting out her laughter
Siamo spiacenti Orlando, ma il tuo non va da nessuna parte! (Sorry Orlando, but your not going anywhere) Finalmente ho la mia vecchia schiena d'oliva! (I finally have my old olive back)

Orlando's eyes glistened from what she said, if there was one person that could get Orlando out of a funk, Noelia would be there to tackle him back into being the original olive he was.

Bia: screaming
Lasciate andare lei! Lei è presa, cane americano! (Let go of her! American dog!)

Nario: scoffing
Ottenere una camera! (Get a room)

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