Chapter 20 - Orlando isn't the only one growing up

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The song is called  'Ice Ice Baby'  and is by Vanilla Ice, I will tell you when to play the song.

Orlando sat upside down on the couch with his necklace fallen on his face while wiggling his legs up in the air and attentively watched Emil as he texted on his phone, occasionally smiling and holding in giggles. Lukas sat in an armchair beside the fireplace lost in a book, but lifted up his eyes a few times with a cold vibe each time Emil showed a sign of humour or deep interest in what he was doing on his phone. The rest of the Nordics were off doing whatever they had planned today, Orlando wanted to spend time with his 'big brother' while you and Romano were off spending time together; people had been saying that your marriage had been slowly 'decreasing'.

Orlando: smiling with his head draped over the couch
Why are you smiling like that?

Emil: focusing on his phone
Hmm? Someone said something funny, that's all...

Orlando: playing with his hair
Who you talking to?

Emil: looking at Orlando
Please don't make your hair look like Mathias's.

Orlando: sitting up and de-spiking his hair

Emil: smiling at his phone
Good! I'm texting my b--

Lukas lifted up his head and slightly tilted it with a disproved look across his face as he waited for Emil to finish his sentence.

Emil: quickly saving himself
Best friend, Leon, also known as Hong Kong

Orlando: pointing at his chest
I'm also known as Oliva (olive), but not Greenland yet.

Lukas: focusing on his book
You will be soon, once you are old enough to run the country by yourself.

Orlando: cheering
Call me Oliva (olive) Greenland!

Emil: smirking
Call me big brother...

Orlando: smiling and hugging Emil
Big brother!

Lukas: death staring Emil
Call me big brother Emil.

Emil: hugging Orlando back
... Lukas...

Lukas: monotone expression
Try again...

Emil: quickly glancing down at his phone and walking towards the front door
Turns out Leon is at the corner café, bye Orlando... Norway...

Lukas focused back on his book and listened to Emil shut the door, he waited a few minutes before putting down his book and walked over to collect his car keys and a jacket.

Lukas: sliding his jacket on
Feel like going on an undercover mission?

Orlando: trying to act serious
Can I drive?

Lukas: opening the door

Orlando: running over to collect his jacket
Still in!


Lukas and Orlando submerged themselves in a bush that had a direct view of the corner café which overlooked a docking harbour; its was a beautiful Norwegian summer's day, so in Lukas's mind it was perfect spying weather. He handed a pair of binoculars over to Orlando and whispered something into his ear before placing a pair over his eyes. Just like it was on a perfect cue Emil and Leon strolled past and took a seat a few tables away from the bush Orlando and Lukas were hiding in. Lukas slightly snarled as he watched how close Leon was in of a proximity of Emil, watching them both smile and share jokes sickened the Norwegian; Orlando enjoyed watching the pair having fun and he wanted to meet Leon so bad. A tap on both their shoulders made them turn their heads around, Berwald was squatting down behind the bush too, being aware of the fact that Lukas most likely convinced Orlando to help him spy on Emil.

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