Chapter 37 - This is why it rained all over the world at the same time

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The song is called 'The Scientist' by Coldplay, you can start listening to the song straight away, it's to get the emotions building up and stuff, plus it's Coldplay, so why not? XD

Matthew: opening up Orlando's bedroom door
Eh, O-Orlando?

Orlando ignored his existence like everyone else at the moment, usually he would be scrambling all over the Canadian's shoulders and playing hockey together; Orlando's spirt had died. He was pushed up against the corner of his sun bench and soaking up the midday sun rays, with his knees into his chest and face hung down, emitting a sense of hopelessness.

Last night Abree was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance with you, Orlando and Seborga; Orlando was left behind with Feliciano, but early this morning Feliciano had to go to Germany. Meaning that Orlando was skipping a day off school because of the circumstances of what is happening, he was left in the company of a Canadian and an American. He acted completely out of character, not a word was spoken by him ever since the ambulance left, he didn't smile, didn't welcome Matthew and Alfred, turned his nose up at food, even at olives; Orlando was dealing with the fear of losing a family member for the first time.

Matthew slowly paced over towards the sun bench Orlando was occupying and he sat down on the other side of him, tucking his legs onto a crisscross position and looked at Orlando with concerned eyes. He then glanced over at the window and slightly pushed open a window pane, allowing a breeze in imminently blow into the room, blowing both of their hair a little bit.

Matthew: stuttering
D-do you w-want to talk aboot it?

He didn't respond, just sat there in his eerie silence.

Matthew: sighing
They haven't called, so that's a good sign, eh?

A small breathy 'hmm' sneaked up out of Orlando's throat and out his nose, this was the first sighed of life from Orlando all day, even though he didn't move an inch. His reaction filled Matthew with some joy, letting him know that Orlando was beginning to come around, letting his zest for life flourish once again.

Matthew: softly smiling down at Orlando
I was thinking aboot cooking some pancakes for lunch, would you like that? Cause if not I could fix some hamburgers like Alfred has been nagging for or something else if you want?

Orlando: looked up at him with heavy sad eyes
Do what ever you want, I'm fine. (He looked over at the tomato fields)

Matthew: a little shocked
Do you want to come down stairs with me and check on Alfred?

Orlando pulled his knees out from his chest and looked over at the door with a slow turn of his head, pushing himself off the bench and onto his feet. He dragged his feet over towards his bed and picked up a small pale yellow blanket with baby pink and blue flowers on it; it was Abree's blanket that she slept with. With the blanket in his hand Orlando left his room and walked away leaving Matthew alone and confused in the young Italian's room.


Alfred sat at the kitchen bench devouring a hamburger, then something strange happened; he placed the half eaten burger down on a plate and sighed, watching Orlando through the kitchen window. Orlando was sitting in the tomato fields curled up into a ball cradling Abree's blanket, breathing in her scent of baby powering and something else he couldn't quite identify.

Alfred then placed all his attention on his twin brother who was flipping pancakes like it was nobody's business.

Alfred: looking at the back of Matthew's head
He's still out there, the skies are gettin' darker.

Matthew: pulled the frying pan off the stove and looked out the window
They still haven't called, she must be stable. They would have called if...if...I-if (he began to tear up)

Alfred: looking at Matthew with dim eyes
... I'm sorry...

Matthew turn around and locked eyes with his brother, confused as to why he was apologising.

Alfred: stood up and walked over to Matthew with tears in his eyes
I'm sorry, because I was too dumb to not see that I had you... Your my brother!

Matthew: widened eyed

Matthew was cut off as soon as Alfred wrapped his arms around the shocked Canadian.

Alfred: sobbing into Matthew's embrace
It's not fare that someone who appreciates there sibling might loss them! For years I pretended you never existed! Why do I deserve you!?! Orlando has always loved Abree, even before she was born and now he is going to loss her! It's just not fare! Mattie! He's losing his second half! I don't know what I'd do without you!

Matthew was stunned, Alfred was confessing all his guilt to him just so fast that it practically knocked all the air out of the Canadian's lungs. He shakily placed a hand on Alfred's back to calm him, but that only cause him to ball out his eyes even more, drenching Matthew's back. Then a horrid sound joined in with the confessions and whimpers, the buzzing took them both by surprise and momentarily hushed Alfred. Nothing good ever happens when Alfred puts down a hamburger or refuses to eat one. Matthew lowered his hand into the pocket of his hoodie and revealed a phone going crazy with its buzzing and vibrating; he click the answer button and placed it against his ear, ignoring the caller ID. Alfred dried his eyes and tilted his head to the side waiting for Matthew to give him a sign of who he was talking to, seconds after Matthew answered his eyes shot open. His black rimmed glass fogged up, blurring this large deep blue eyes, a single tear rolled out of his eye and leaved a tear stain down his cheek. His hand supporting the phone shook and he looked over towards the front door, seeing Orlando standing in the doorframe with his head mopped down and Abree's blanket barely dangling from his fingertips dragging on the ground. He was soaking wet, it had just began to rain as soon as Mathew answered the phone call. It was obvious that Orlando knew what happened by his eerie presence, he radiated the vibe of one that the Grim Reaper would posses. Not a word was spoken and each individual in that house knew about the passing.

It was documented all over the world news that every country in existence experienced stormy weather and rain at the exact same time; never has an occurrence such as this been document, leaving scientists to speculate that it was the cause of global warming. Only a small handful of people will ever know the true meaning behind this abnormal event, after all it was cause by all the nations crying and mourning the death of a very special little girl; who only existed for just a little over three months.


I'm sorry if this hurts anyone, there's a reason why I didn't give her much story time, so no one would feel overly emotion and attached to this now deceased character. I did this all in the name of character development and an interesting story plot.
I do admit through halfway of writing this chapter I almost saved her and decided to let her live, I was feeling that guilty and a little ill while writing it, is that normal?

Dear little Abree Romia Vargas
      (Chapter 34 - Chapter 37)

Thank you for reading!


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