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"fuck you phil, my neck hurts," dan complains for the twentieth time and i just scowl at him, nudging his side harshly.

"forgive me for not wanting to disturb you," i remark, crossing my arms over my chest and looking away from him. it has been a mere seven minutes since he woke up, and he is already annoying the heck out of me.

"since when did you become a saint? letting me sleep on your shoulder and shit?" he rolls his eyes, and i just raise my eyebrows at him dismissively.

"since you did by carrying my bags and letting me sleep on your shoulder," i tell him and his cheeks flush for a moment before he frowns at me. "asshole," i add, but he ignores my comment, proceeding tap away on his phone.

twenty minutes later the bus is pulling hastily into one of the open parking lots, full of colourful scooters, jeeps and a few other buses, and from here i can see the forested area where our camp is going to be. dan and i have simply ignored each other since our small argument and i don't really mind, i'm glad that he didn't try to talk to me or i would have died from a headache.

"we have a bit of a hike from here towards the camping area, so i suggest you prepare yourselves beforehand," the conductor flashes everyone a toothy grin as a few people groan out of distaste—the few people being only dan and i—and the others just laugh or chat about how it's so fucking fun to hike.

five minutes later we are all climbing down the bus with out duffles and luggages, our bag-packs strapped to our shoulders. dan still hasn't got off the bus, and the instructor has already started speaking.

so being the great friend i am, i peek inside the empty vehicle only to discover dan holding his head in his hands, his eyebrows furrowed and a pained expression on his face.

"dan, you okay?" i ask him hesitantly and he just shakes his head, slumping in one of the bus seats. i just roll my eyes at him and look back once at the instructor, contemplating whether i should help dan or listen to him before i just groan and climb up the bus, making my way to an overreacting dan.

"what's wrong?" i cross my arms across my chest staring at him and he just looks up at me with glossy eyes.

"i think my fucking head is bleeding, because this fifty pound luggage just fell on me without any context," he complains, eyes shooting daggers to the lifeless bag laying on the floor and i just sigh out loud, before drawing his hands away from his head and stepping closer to him.

"show me," i tell him but he throws a mini tantrum first, causing me to slap him lightly across the cheek and then he just pouts, opening his legs and tilting his head down so i can stand between them and investigate his bruise.

he lets out a small whimper when i run my fingers across the affected area, and his hand moves up to clutch my jumper between his fingers tightly as i move his hair to examine the large bump on his head.

"dan i don't think we can do much about this, the most you can do is put an icepack," i inform him and step away from him, causing him to hold his head again and stare annoyedly at me.

"what?" i raise my hands up in defence as he continues to glare at me.

"how do you know? you're not a nurse," he scowls, getting up from his seat. "i think i have a skull fracture, which means i am physically unhealthy to attend this camp," he smiles sarcastically at me, and i just give him a blank look before climbing down the bus again, leaving him and his stupid ideas inside.

"did he tell us anything important?" i ask the girl who is wearing a bandana over her head, and she just shakes her head a no, telling me that he was only going on about the history of this camp.

i smile thankfully at her, and stand next to my unattended bags, watching as dan stumbles out of the blue bus, fixing his hair and walking towards me until he sets his bags next to mine and groans when he discovers that the instructor is still going on about how his grandmother was the reason this camp for built.

"phil do you really think i don't have skull fracture?" dan whispers softly in my ear, a disappointing pout on his lips and i can't help but smile at him slightly. he acts cute sometimes.

"nope, i guess you're stuck with me here for two weeks,"

this was so shitty omg i apologise

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