twenty six

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warning: shitty as always :)


i wake up to heavy breathing, curly hair and arms wound tightly around my waist, dan's head buried into my neck and his left leg hooked around mine. i pull him closer while i can, a sigh leaving his lips at the action, and i let my fingers twirl in his soft hair, my cheeks flushing at every breath against my neck.

"you up?" he mumbles sleepily, curling his body more towards mine and i tighten my grip on him, humming in response. he tucks his head under my chin, and i turn to my side so i can hold him closer, his lips semi-consciously turning up into a small smile.

"good morning," he tightens his grip on me momentarily before pulling away, tilting his head up to look at me, his eyes bright and laced with sleep, mouth in a small smile and the apples of his cheeks holding a tint of rose.

"morning," my fingers reach up involuntarily to push his hair away from his forehead, his eyelids fluttering appreciatively at the action.

"you were so drunk last night," dan giggles, pulling my hand away from his forehead and playing with my fingers, my cheeks flushing at the statement.

"i don't know what you're talking about," i shrug, and he just rolls his eyes, turning in the opposite direction, his arms stretching out to reach his bag and he unzips the first pocket, pulling out a small container.

"what's that?" i clear my throat as he hands me the white container and a bottle of water.

"advil, so you don't have a headache," he sits up, pulling the blanket with him and i copy his actions, furrowing my eyebrows as i turn the bottle of pills in my hand.

"i don't really have a headache,"

"just take it for precaution,"


"take it!" he nudges my side harshly when i try to argue and i roll my eyes at him, quickly popping one in my mouth and taking it down with a mouthful of cold water.

"happy?" i groan, running a hand through the front of my hair to push them back and dan grins sheepishly, nodding his head.

"very much,"


"so this one is..cumin seeds i suppose?"

"no, that's asafoetida,"

"your mum is asafoetida,"

"hey!" i nudge dan harshly in the ribs and he just giggles, shoving me lightly in response.

"you're the one who's going all crazy with all the spice names," he rolls his eyes, running his fingers through the wavy mess on top of his head, attempting to tame the unruly curls.

"actually, a few of these are herbs-" i begin to correct him and he cuts me off with a loud groan, hands pushing against my chest.

"fuck off," he adds. "why are we even in this stupid fucking spice garden, there's literally zero use of this in my life," he complains as i discreetly pluck off an unidentifiable seed and turn it over in my palm.

"are you not going to cook?"

"i can't think of a single dish where i will be using as-foot-ideal,"

"it's asafoetida, what even-"

"whatever," he wiggles his fingers in my face to shut me up. "can we just go?"

"go where?"

"back to the tents or something? we've got a free day today and you're annoying the hell out of me,"

"i didn't tell you to come with me," i shrug. "you could run off into the sunset with that girl you made out with last night," i roll my eyes, feeling a strange annoyance bubble in my chest at the thought of what happened between them.

"maybe i should have, she'd be better company than you anyway," he smiles at me mockingly, and i scoff, walking away from him and further into the garden so i can look at more plants.

"well then fuck off, i'd rather be alone," i spit, and he doesn't respond, although i hear his shoes crunching through the uneven, thin gravelly paths that stretch out throughout the garden.

"why are you so mad that i made out with her anyway?" one of his arms slides across my waist, pulling me to him and my cheeks flush almost instantly as i try to maintain the scowl on my face.

"get away from me," i swat at him and he giggles, retracting his arm back to his side. "and i'm not mad, i'm just-i'm nothing, i don't care if you make out with her or anyone else," my voice isn't as convincing as i hoped it would be and dan tilts his head to side and raises his eyebrows as if he knows that i'm lying.

"right," he drags out the word. "of course you wouldn't,"

"i wouldn't," i repeat.

"you wouldn't," he mocks me again and i roll my eyes at him, turning around and throwing the seed in my hand at his face.

"what's your problem?" i'm aware that i'm unnecessarily annoyed but i can't help it. dan is purposely pestering me and trying to wind me up.

"what? i just said you wouldn't mind if i hook up with anyone,"

"yes i wouldn't," i cross my arms across my chest and he just shakes his head in amusement.

"i know that's what i'm saying,"

"why do you have to say it again and again?"

"why? is it bothering you?" he takes a step forward, an obnoxious smirk plastered on his face and i can't do anything but glare at him.

"yes, it's bothering me," i snap and he just giggles, wrapping his arms back around my waist without warning and pulling me closer, his lips pressing against my cheek, leaving a burning sensation in their wake.

"i'm just messing with you, don't take it seriously," he bumps his forehead against mine and i roll my eyes at him again, making no attempt to hide the growing redness of my cheeks.

"let's go back to the tents,"

a month without uploading-

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