thirty seven

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"come on, it's not like you guys aren't fucking each other," zeke rolls his eyes at our surprised faces and i flush, gulping slightly and carding my hands through my hair. slow dancing with dan can't end up in my favour, especially not in front of people, especially not when i know he doesn't have feelings towards me.

"we aren't," dan squeaks and i look over to him just to see his reaction. sure enough, the glow from the fire brings all the attention to his pink cheeks and i can't help but stare at the way the his skin flushes a pale golden under the dim lights.

"well i don't care, a dare is a dare so get up both of you," zeke rolls his eyes and scrolls through his phone, probably trying to select an appropriate song. dan looks at me, his chocolate eyes matching the gold tone of his skin and his bottom lip is drawn between his teeth and fuck, i can't look away even if i want to.

"are you—are you okay with this?" i mutter quietly, and the colour on dan's cheeks deepens, his eyes wandering away from mine as he shrugs.

"i don't know, i guess," he mumbles and i take a deep breath before grabbing his hand and pulling both of us off the log. everyone cheers, of course they do, and i feel the unmistakable tension between dan and i.

fuck this.

"are you gonna play a fucking song now or what?" i bark, quite literally, and jake rolls his eyes at my annoyance.

"calm down tiger," he comments, nodding his head at zeke when he shows him the song. a minute passes before a few chords burst through the old speakers i carried and a few more hoots are heard once ed sheeran begins to sing.

thinking out loud.

my heart picks up once my hands slide around dan's waist, and he looks away from me as his fingers grip my shoulders, our feet somehow knowing how to move in sync. i am beyond embarrassed that everyone is watching us, and when i pull dan the slightest bit closer and our chests touch, i can feel his heart going as crazy as my own.

"don't be embarrassed," i mumble quietly against the shell of his ear and when he looks at me, our noses almost touch. he doesn't reply to me, he just slides his arms further around my neck and lowers his head to rest it on my shoulder as we sway gently to the music. i breathe out of relief, my fingertips digging slightly into his back at the close proximity and his face nuzzles into my neck.

god, this boy is going to be the death of me.

"do a twirl losers!" jake yells, and i flip him off before complying. dan pulls away from me slightly and i give him a warm smile before grabbing one of his hands and twirling him around, a low giggle bubbling out of his mouth when i pull him back to my chest.

"didn't know you could dance lester," he teases me, and i roll my eyes, twirling him once again so i don't have to answer. he giggles again, this time louder, and although i can hear all the people yelling "aww's", his quiet laugh is more important.

"wanna tell you something," dan mumbles in a small voice, pushing himself closer against me and bumping his forehead against mine. i feel my breath hitch slightly in my throat as i tighten my grip on him.

"mm, and what's that?" i bury my face in his shoulder and his fingers glide up slightly to twirl the short hair at the nape of my neck.

"i'm glad i came to camp with you," he mutters in an embarrassed tone and i giggle before lifting my head just enough to place a discreet kiss on his shoulder.

"me too,"


hey i hope ur all well & good love u

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