forty three

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my brain melts into a mush of nothingness and body feels unbearably heavy but unbelievably light and i don't understand how this is different from the first time i kissed him. his fingers wind into my collar desperately as he pushes all of his weight on me and my arms circle around his waist to pull him closer.

fuck fuck fuck fuck. what the fuck.

he's still kissing me, his mouth pliant and soft against mine and i take in a feverish breath through my nose before running my palms heavily up and down his back, simply finding an excuse to touch all of him. it's sloppy and urgent and unplanned and god, i love the way he pulls on my hair and breathes into my mouth and groans in the back of his throat. this is the last thing i imagined would happen if i confessed what i felt for him.

he climbs into my lap on his own accord and my hands are quick to move to the back of his thighs, pulling him impossibly close. as soon as our lips part for air, i press mine against the side of his jaw, lingering my mouth longer with each kiss down his neck as he pants heavily and runs his hands across my chest and my shoulders and down my back with purpose.

and then he's grabbing my hair and kissing me again, softer this time, our mouths moving slow and steady as my hands grip his cheeks, my thumbs rubbing the flushed skin still slightly damp from tears. he breaks off the kiss this time, following it up with tiny pecks on my mouth and then my cheeks and then my forehead—god this boy is so fucking lovely.

when i look at him his lips are a bitten red and his cheeks are pink and his eyes are soft and reflecting all the glow from the shitty torchlight and he has a soft smile on his face. his hands move to my hair and push it away from my forehead and then he's just running his fingers through them, my eyes partly wanting to watch him and partly wanting to fall shut because the feeling is really comforting.

at some point he pushes himself a little bit closer and my arms tighten their grip around his waist and with the smallest voice possible he says, "i like you too,"

and my heart has never raced faster.

this is the second last chapter u better vote😤

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