twenty five

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"do you like harry potter?" i mumble, leaning more into dan's side as his grip tightens on my shoulders and he breathes out a laugh, looking at me momentarily before focusing his gaze back onto the bright spot of flashlight moving along the gravelly paths.

"i like draco, personally," dan mumbles and i don't give much thought to his answer, just mindlessly nodding along and shaking my head to clear my constantly blurring vision.

"how do you feel about plants?" i ask him, looking sideways so i can see the confused expression on his face and when he whips his head to the side to look at me, our noses almost touch, and he jerks his head away immediately, his cheeks glowing a soft pink even in the darkness.

"i-i don't know, they're pretty cool i guess," he shrugs, his grip loosening slightly on my shoulder and i frown, shuffling closer to him as i see our tent in sight.

"i love plants, although they are a bit pretentious," i slur, tilting my head so it can rest on dan's shoulder, and i hear dan suck in a soft breath, his grip tightening on me.

"p-pretentious?" he giggles and i smile at the sound. my god he is so fucking adorable.

"yeah," i grin like an idiot. "i mean when they cook food they call it photosynthesis and when we cook food we call it restaurant,"

"what does that even mean? when we cook food we call,"

"then what's restaurant?"

"restaurant is a place where you eat,"

"then what's a dining room?"

"it's a place where you eat home-cooked food,"

"what's the difference between food and home-cooked food?"

"god why the hell did you drink?" dan rolls his eyes, but his voice has an undertone of amusement which makes my cheeks flush.

"i'm not drunk," i lift my head off his shoulder once we're close to the fire pit, and dan rolls his eyes once again.

"of course you aren't, now go inside and change by the time i set up the fire," he waves his hand for me to go and i pout a bit before shrugging my shoulders and stumbling inside the tent, scrambling to turn on the flashlight hanging from the roof.

once it's on, i grab the nearest sweater and pyjamas i find before throwing my used clothes on dan's side, and covering myself with the blanket as i wait for him. my head is a little airy, and my breathing is shallower, but with that being said, i also feel a lot more confident and a lot more happier. i'm aware that i'm not giving much thought to what i'm saying but i'm too drunk to actually analyse my words after i've already said them. does that make any sense?

"god, what the hell? i picked a few green leaves and now they are crackling in the fire i hate—" dan stops his rambling once his eyes land on me, and his cheeks flush for the millionth time before he bites his lip and slides both his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

"is that, um, is that my shirt you're wearing?" he stammers and i look down at the knitted material. it's clearly a sweater.

"no," i furrow my eyebrows. "it's a sweater,"

"god, i meant my sweater," he smacks his forehead, his cheeks turning pinker and i cock my head to the side in confusion.

"i thought it was mine," i scratch the back of my head. "i can take it off if you want,"

"no! i mean, it looks good on you, i mean—fuck, shit, i mean it's okay, i mean, yeah that's what i mean," i can barely understand anything he's saying so i just shrug and decide to keep his sweater on. now that he's told me it's his, i realise how the fit is a little bit looser on me, considering that he's taller but i don't mind. it's comfortable.

"come lay down," i pat the empty space next to me as i cover more of my body with the blanket, and he raises his eyebrows.


"don't you want to sleep?"

"i do but aren't we supposed to sleep in our resepecti—"

"i thought you wanted to sleep?" i ask, slightly confused.

"i do but—"

"so just lay down and cuddle with me, it's cold," i state as if it's the most obvious thing in the world and he doesn't argue further, he just tells me to close my eyes while he changes and i know i won't have enough self-control to actually keep my eyes shut, so i simply cover my face with the blanket and wait for him to finish.

"okay i'm done," he says and i remove the soft fabric off my face before looking up at him. his hair is no longer resting on his forehead, they are pushed back in a curly mess, and he is biting his lip as i continue to stare at him and the way his sweatshirt clings to his torso.

"okay, come here," i pat the empty space again and he sits down hesitantly. i don't pay attention to his discomfort, and lay down, and soon enough he copies my actions and lays down as well, covering himself with the other end of the blanket.

"can i hug you?" i mumble sleepily, turning my head to look at him and he parts his lips to say something before he just nods bashfully, and i smile at him before rolling over and wrapping my arm around his waist, my head finding it's way to his chest. he stiffens for a while before a sigh leaves his mouth, and he wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him, his fingers winding into my hair as he plays with them.

"good night phil,"


aHhH why is my writing so shitty kms but i hope u enjoyed the fluff ???

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