twenty øne

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"what?" i say with a mouthful as dan continues to stare at me, his elbows resting on his knees and his chin in his palms, his lips pursed as a sigh leaves them.

"look i know i was an ass to you alright? i can't help it, people don't necessary like me and when they do i become a pretentious bitch," he rambles, running a hand through his hair and making the curly mess stick up. i'm about to open my mouth to say something but he interrupts me before i can.

"i know, i know, i am problematic that way, but," he groans, an apologetic look on his face as he looks at me. "i'm just sorry okay, please don't be mad at me,"

"it's okay, i'm not," i flush, dusting off my hands and placing the container of cookies next to me, entwining my hands in my lap as i look at him. "but that was really mean of you, i almost wanted to leave camp," i admit truthfully and he just furrows his eyebrows.

"no oh my god, that makes me feel even worse," he slaps his forehead. "i promise i'll tell them off the next time they try to belittle you or anything,"

"no, you don't have to do that," i squeak, and i can physically feel my heart melt at his considerate tone. i am not used to dan being this nice to me, and the gesture makes me want to grab his face and kiss him.

wait what?

"what do you mean i don't have to? they are annoying people anyway, i'd rather spend my time with you," he shrugs, and i can only concentrate on half of his statement because i'm busy beating myself up for even thinking that. i can't possibly like dan can i? no, he's been terrible to me, and also sickeningly sweet but that's not the point.

"it's late now, we should sleep," i don't have anything else to say to his statement, and he just sighs, nodding his head but he doesn't move from where he's sitting across from me. his eyes are fixed on the mattress, and his face screwed slightly as if he's thinking about something.

"dan?" he looks up. "you okay?"

"yeah, i just feel really bad," he scratches the back of his head in embarrassment and i give him a small smile.

"do you want to hug it out?" i open my arms for a hug, but it's pretty risky, considering it's dan and he could either tackle me into a hug or simply call me a gaylord.

there is no in between.

to my surprise he just smiles, a soft pink blooming on his cheeks as he shifts forward and wraps his arms tightly around my neck, and as soon as mine tie around his waist, he starts giggling, his face buried in my shoulder.

"why are you laughing?" i pull away slightly, and he laughs harder, deep indents carving in both his cheeks and his face is so close to mine that i can hardly resist myself.

"nothing you're just," he calms down a bit before shaking his head. "you're such a gaylord,"

phil lestrer can nut in my entire ass pls thank u

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