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"..just five more rounds boys come on don't be wusses," gale yells enthusiastically, waving his hands in the air as if he's being helpful, and i just roll my eyes, pushing my damp hair away from my forehead and turning to look at dan who is not very far behind from me.

"want me to wait up for you till you catch up?" i tease him, and he just flips me off lazily, continuing to run slowly in my direction. i decide to stop for him anyway, resting both my hands on my hips to catch my breath, watching as a random guy pats me on the shoulder in encouragement and asks me to keep running.

"what the–who was that?" is the first thing dan says as he catches up, and we slowly begin to jog behind the rest of the group again.

"i don't know?" i shrug, and he just rolls his eyes at me, placing his hand against his chest in a mocking way.

"do you already have a friend that you're not telling me about?" he sounds breathless because of running but he still keeps talking. "i knew this day would come," i just giggle at him and nudge him playfully in the shoulder, to which he pushes back and begins to speed up.

"catch up loser!" he calls once he's merely two feet ahead of me and i roll up my sleeves slightly before shaking my head and following him again.


"do you think i've lost twenty seven pounds?" dan groans as he slumps in the chair next to me, dropping two plates of three boiled eggs and some toast each, on the table in front of us along with two glasses of milk.

"thanks," i smile at him momentarily before answering his question. "and i think you've lost twenty eight," i pat his shoulder in mock reassurance and he just waves me off, rolling the eggs around the steel plate.

"i don't feel like eating this shit," he complains, picking up the round object and taking a bite, his teeth digging in the white flesh with reluctance and he makes a face once he finishes chewing it.

"it doesn't even have any salt on it!" he whines. "god i hate this camp,"

"i've got some coffee packets and sugar if that makes it better," i blindly pat my pockets and pull out a few packaged coffees and sugars, resting the bunch on the table and dan looks grateful as he grabs two and tears them open with his teeth.

"thank fucking god for your mum," he mutters as he stirs the coffee into the watery milk, watching as the liquid turns a deep brown.

"hey could i borrow some coffee as well, please?" the girl sitting next to our table makes an exhausted face and i watch as dan looks at her questionably.

"sure i have some—" i begin, but dan just kicks my leg under the table.

"no we don't have any extra," dan interrupts me and i furrow my eyebrows as the girl squints her eyes at his harsh tone.


"eat your breakfast," before i can say anything else he's shoving a semi-burnt toast in my mouth and i just roll my eyes taking a bite.

"you're so rude," i mutter once the girl looks away in embarrassment and dan only shrugs.

"you can't just provide random people with coffee or they'll try and be friends with you," he tells me quietly as if it's a life changing advice and i roll my eyes at him again.

"what does that even mean? we should be nice to people," i say with a mouthful but he doesn't pay attention to me. he just grabs three packets of coffee and begins to dissolve it in my glass of milk.

"how many sugars do you want?" he asks, and i hold up two fingers while taking another bite of the tasteless bread, watching as he nods and adds in the sugar as well.

"listen up all of you! go back to your tents after breakfast and wash up, we'll meet in the main camp ground again after an hour and dress comfortably," gale shouts from his table, david handing him a cup of what looks like tea.

"can we just go after finishing the coffee? we can have noodles when we get back to the tent because this literally tastes like shit," dan complains, leaning slightly into my side and i nod in agreement, taking a sip of the mildly warm coffee.

"what kind of milk is this?" i scrunch my nose in displeasure and dan takes a sip of his before spitting it back out into the cup.

"definitely breastmilk of an old dying woman,"

this chapter is kind of shitty for the all the time u guys have waited

i apologise

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