thirty five

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"no? i don't think so, see when i had my first succulent—" i place my chin in my hands as i watch phil having a conversation with some random stranger. we were having a normal conversation—well normal to phil's standards—he was telling me about a weird bush that we saw while jogging this morning and this random guy just decided to join in the conversation with his stupid fucking plant facts.

he is not rude or anything but i hate the fact that he's been keeping phil from me since morning. phil has not looked away from him since they started talking but of course phil isn't as much of an asshole as i am so he has a firm grip on my hand to keep me in the conversation as well. right now, they are saying words i barely understand and somehow the conversation has escalated from plants to hamsters and now this fucking guy is almost crying over his dead pet and i'm just so fucking annoyed.

what kind of a name is zeke anyway? what does that even mean? did his parents fall on their brain or what?

"oh my god i'm so sorry," phil removes his grip from mine and rests both his hands on top of zeke's to comfort him, and somehow since i have started question my sexuality, i have also starting questioning everybody else's. i literally think everyone is eye-fucking phil and if i see any sort of same gender interaction my gaydar goes off like a fucking siren.

i glare at phil in a very not-so-subtle manner, and once he removes his hands from zeke's, i grab his left hand and put it obsessively in my lap, watching as phil's eyes follow my actions and he gives me a fond smile.

what i don't notice is that zeke is also watching our interaction, and when phil and i maintain eye contact for too long, he coughs awkwardly to gain our attention.

"you know you guys are pretty cute together," he says and i feel both of our cheeks—phil and mine—flush. "i feel like i'm keeping you phil, so i'll see you guys later?" his tongue makes an appearance in the side of his cheek as he gives us a knowing look and i quickly drop phil's hand and wrap my arms around myself.

"oh no we aren't—you—" phil starts explaining but fumbles at least a hundred times over his words, which causes zeke to eye us again, and a small laugh escapes his lips.

"trust me dude, it's okay, i'm all for homo," he winks and leaves our breakfast table, drenching the air in tension as he leaves.

"so," i mumble, looking down at my empty plate, and i hear phil sigh.

"why did you do that?" he asks, and i look over to him with an embarrassed expression.

"did what?" grab his hand like a crazy jealous person, that's what.

"act so. . . gay," he says quietly and my eyes widen on their own accord. what the fuck? how dare he say that?

"coming from a person who fucking made out with me against a fucking tree," i spit and i watch as the colour rises higher on his perfect cheekbones, his eyes giving me a half lidded glare.

"excuse me? at least i didn't act like a fucking crazy ex girlfriend while i was mourning the death of someone's pet," he fires back, and my lips part unwillingly.

"at least i don't make weird excuses for kissing people out of the blues. 'you know i am stupid', really? that's your excuse for—"

"at least i don't say i'm straight and then make out very keenly with a guy,"

"at least i don't throw up in the middle of a fucking cliff!"

"at least i don't cry because my friend is not giving me attention!"

"what the fuck? you think i want your attention?"

"uh, yeah i do, 'oh phil why are you acting so distant and cold i hate this i'm not used to thi—"

"what the fuck!" i push harshly against his arm and get out of my chair, leaving the fucking plate where it is and making my way out of the stuffy canteen. what the fuck is wrong with him? why is he acting like he didn't fucking make out with me last night? or did he forget all the times i have caught him checking me out?

"dan!" i hear him call after me, but i am too fucking pissed to even consider stopping. he is such a fucking dick sometimes.

"hey!" he catches up to me, of course he does, his fingers wrapping around my arm to turn me around.

"what?" i bark, crossing my arms over my chest and waiting for him to explain why the fuck did he think it was a good idea to start a fight in the middle of the canteen where supposedly anyone could hear us.

"you're seriously not expecting an apology, are you?" he asks, his breathing still harsh because he probably ran to catch up to me and i stare at him in disbelief. um? yes? he? is? supposed? to? apologise?

"um, yes i fucking am, you think you can just insult me anytime you want?" i yell at him, thankful that i can finally raise my voice, now that we are not around people.

"you insulted me back!" he spreads his arms out in front of him as if his explanation makes any sense and i roll my eyes.

"honestly phil, i'm so done with you," i say, but i don't walk away, obviously still waiting for him to do something to make me change my mind. he just stares at me as if he is confused as to what to say next. why are guys so fucking stupid? why can't they just take the fucking hint?

"oh my god, i can't believe this," i turn around and start walking again when he just stands there with a dumb look on his face.

"what the hell, i didn't even say anything!" he catches up to me again and this time, instead of turning me around he just simply blocks my way, not letting me go further into the forest.

"what's your problem?" i push against his chest but he doesn't budge. i try stepping around him but he blocks my way again and i am so annoyed at him but i'm also. . . secretly loving the attention.

"i'm not going to apologise," he reminds me again, and i look at him with a scowl, raising my eyebrows slightly.

"and why is that?"

"because you were also at fault,"

"no i was not!" i deny, trying to go past him, but failing yet again.

"phil let me go," i demand, and if he does let me walk away he's going to fucking have it.

"no, i'm not letting you go," he denies. good call.

"oh my god, you're so annoying,"

"you think you are smart don't you?" he raises his eyebrows knowingly, a stupid fucking smirk plastered on his stupid fucking lips and i feel my cheeks flush as he brings his hands to my waist.

"i know you're secretly enjoying all this attention," he says against the shell of my ear and places a soft kiss against my cheek.

"shut up," i push him away playfully. "that's not true, i am genuinely pissed at you," i say but i'm sure my red cheeks are a dead giveaway. he just giggles and mumbles "sure" before swinging his arm around my shoulders and proceeding the walk towards our tents.

a cute lil fluff chapter for u with literally zero literary pleasing content but hey we are all trash cans here so lets just accept the trashy writing

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