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"what the fuck! he said more than two and less than four that basically means three right? or am i fucking stupid?" dan throws his hands up in frustration and i just close my eyes taking a deep breath.

someone needs to be rational in this situation, and that's definitely not going to be dan.

"look at those two fuckers, making a group like it's their dad's place! he said three and those are clearly two people? what is this biased camp i hate my life," he continues, not giving a shit if anyone hears his nonchalant ranting and i desperately try to find a way to calm him down because he's honestly getting on my nerves.

"phil! did you see that? four people made a group and two people made a group? i am so fucking confused?" he flails his hands, turning to face me with an annoyed expression.

"dan i think he meant like make a group of two, three or four. not only three," i explain but of course he is having none of it. he is just throwing a tantrum like a child in kindergarten.

"dan would you stop for a second! what the fuck do you want?" i yell at him and that seems to knock him back into reality because his cheeks flush and he stares down in his lap, picking up a dry leaf from the ground and crumbling it between his fingers.

"sorry, i just, this camp is already stressing me out," he complains and i sigh out loud.

"well that's not my fault. you're annoying the shit out of me, so if you want to whine, call your mum or something because i'm done!" i get up and move to the coaches to give our names and mark our attendance.

i feel slightly bad for yelling at dan but he is doing nothing but constantly complaining and it is getting borderline impossible to handle. we are not even friends? and so i don't feel compelled to listen to him whine about anything and everything in the world.

"daniel howell and philip lester," the man nods and scribbles our names together on the notepad, marking a small '17' in front of our names and asking me to wait until everyone has their names registered. i simply nod and walk back to my place next to dan, who is now aimlessly moving the twigs around, his legs crosses and eyes focused on the ground.

"sorry, i didn't mean to be rude," i mumble after a moment of uncomfortable silence and he just snickers.

"fuck off, i don't care anyways," he snorts and i clench my fists and shift a good amount away from him. he is such an asshole. i don't even know how i am going to manage staying in the same tent as him.

half an hour later, the bulky man from before, who i have recently discovered is called gale, is calling out group names to confirm that everyone is occupied and i can basically hear dan rolling his eyes when the man shouts our names together. i don't respond to his dismissive reactions, i just try and focus on something else because i can't deal with his shit right now.

"we will be giving you your tents, that you will have to carry to your personal sites, and then you just have to pitch them and light a fire and i guess that will be enough work for today. there is a map, on the booklets that we have provided you so it is pretty easy to find your way back to the canteen and the main campsite. each and every tent has been incorporated into the map so you can visit your friends if you want? but be careful and carry flashlights after dawn. i think you guys are old enough to venture across the camp alone." gale's voice is thick and loud and almost everyone is nodding along to it. i can basically feel the adrenaline pumping through everyone's bodies here, because even though camping is too much work and is stressful and sometimes gives me major anxiety issues, no one can deny that it is exciting and fun in some ways.

"we will be giving you a tutorial on how to light up a fire now, and when you go back at your campsites you just have to create a small well in the ground and put dry leaves and branches in it. add a little bit of fuel and then just set it on fire with a lighter so you're done for the night. some people do not light a fire at night and that is a very risky thing to do because believe it or not, the temperature drops drastically at night, and besides, fire keeps away the small insects and rodents or bats even," david instructs, and the girl next to me squeamishly whispers to her friend how doing all this is basically jungle tribes and how she could never even imagine doing that.

i just roll my eyes at her, and focus on what else they have to say.

"after collecting your firewood and dry leaves, you can change into your sleeping clothes and follow the map to come for dinner. as it is your first day, the food will be slightly more forgiving, so hopefully we will not have any empty stomachs going to bed tonight. tomorrow morning, at five o' clock sharp, you all have to be here at the main campsite and we will have some morning exercise before breakfast." he would continue speaking but he is interrupted due to loud groans erupting from  a few people, including dan and i. he doesn't seem to mind everyone's disinterest, and just shrugs ignorantly before speaking again.

"the community washrooms, separate for girls and boys, are next to the food haul, which is right next to the canteen. so hopefully you will not get lost." david continues but pauses when gale cuts in, an unnecessary smile on his face.

"or you know," he begins as david eyes him suspiciously. "you can always pee in the bushes," he remarks and david just pushes playfully against his chest as a few people make gagging noises and the other few just laugh uncomfortably.

"well that would be disrespectful to the nature," dan mutters quietly and i roll my eyes at him.

"anyways," david yells to calm the sudden chatter that has arisen between the people and a few heads shoot up to listen to him.

"we will be giving you your tents now," he tells us as the other two un-introduced  coaches begin dumping the large fabrics on the ground, and dan just scoffs next to me before irritably murmuring.

"if we get that ugly ass yellow tent, i am actually going to kill myself,"

wowza this one was like 1.2k words im impressed with myself

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