Chapter 1: Jess

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Jess Point Of View  

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Jess Point Of View  

  July 4, 2003

  "YOU PUT PASTE IN HIS HAIR," My Mom was screaming at me after preschool, "YOU GOT KICKED OUT OF PRESCHOOL!" My Mom hit me. This was the first time she ever hit me. I couldn't blame her, though. I didn't have a good enough reason to put paste in his hair. OH WAIT! YES, I DID! I put paste in Edd's hair because he punched Jax! SO SHE DOESN'T HAVE A GOOD REASON TO HIT ME! JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHER TIMES SHE'S HIT ME! SHE DIDN'T HAVE A REASON!

  October 31, 2007

  "What did I tell you? Huh? What did I tell you, you little shit?!" My Mom stomped on my neck every time she said a word. I was down and I was out. Almost out cold. My Mom kept stomping on my neck and talking, "I told you, 'NO CANDY UNTIL NOVEMBER 10TH!' Did you listen? NO! You didn't listen! So, now you don't get any candy! EVER!"

  I knew I shouldn't talk back... I did anyway, "BUT MOOM! IT WAS ONE PIECE! EVERYONE ELSE WAS EATING ALL THEIR CANDY!"

  My Mom kicked my head and stomped on my neck again, "I DON'T CARE!" I still have so many scars from that night. Emotionally and physically.

  September 2, 2008

  The day I was diagnosed with anxiety and ADHD. My Mom just went crazy because she didn't want to pay for ADHD medication. I'm sure you can guess how the rest of that week went.

  December 21, 2010

  "Happy tenth birthday, Jess. I'm sorry Mom couldn't be here. You know... she's... working," Jax tried to comfort me, "I'm here, though... so is Dad!"

  I just sat there. I didn't move, I just sat, a blank stare on my face as I said, "Jax, why is Mom always here for you... and never here for me? I mean... if you just as much as scrape your knee then she's there. But, when I broke my leg she was nowhere  to be found." I really didn't want Mom to be there, it was just an act. I've been putting this act on for years! I remembered how I broke my leg. It was my Mom. My Mom pushed her down the stairs when I didn't do my chores. 

  I blew out my candle and walked up the stairs to give Dad a hug. At least I had my Dad and Jax.

  May 30, 2013

  "You need to start doing more shit around here! Do you see this place?! It's a mess because you won't do anything," my Mom started walking towards her bringing back her hand to slap me, "You should be ASHAMED of yourself! You're an embarrassment to this household!" She slapped me and pushed me to the ground. She stomped on my ribcage. This was my usual routine. I got abused by my Mom and my brother was nowhere to be found, but today was different. Today, was my last day of seventh grade. Apparently, my Mom expects that once I finished seventh grade I would be able to just run home and start doing my chores. Ahem, I had a graduation this afternoon that she didn't bother coming to! Also, today my brother walked in when I was on the ground. My Mom didn't want to seem like a bad parent so she pretended to comfort me. My brother just walked out and the abuse continued. 

  When my Mom left, my Dad was there for me. He was there for me every day. He tried going to the police about my Mom, but I stopped him. I didn't want to be taken away from him and Jax.

  August 12, 2016 (Today)

  Today. Why did today come so soon? I've dreaded this day for two months. Today, is the day my Mom gets back from her business trip. It's also the day my Dad goes on his business trip for two months. For two months it will be all abuse no comfort. That's JUST GREAT. 

  Jax started yelling up the stairs, "Jess! We have to go! The bus will just leave us!" Jax is never late. He'll kill me if he's late because of me.

  I ran down the stairs and grabbed my backpack and said, "Bye, Dad!" Jax didn't ever say, 'Bye' to Dad. So I was surprised when he went to give Dad a hug! Dad whispered something in Jax's ear, something they made sure I didn't hear. 

  Jax and I ran to the bus stop and BARELY caught the bus. This was a first. Usually, Jax would leave without me and my Mom would yell at me. I guess my Dad talked to Jax, but I don't know.

  (At School)

  I've never been a very extroverted person. I've always been an introvert. My friends aren't real, they're characters in books, like Percy Jackson and Hermione Granger. So, school is my worst nightmare. There are four thousand teenagers at my school and three thousand teachers. I know... it's a big school. I DON'T TRUST ANY OF THEM!  While Jax went to hang out with his friends I went to read underneath the Willow Tree in the field. 'Nicole Di Angelo: Daughter Of Hades' my favorite book, I could read it a million times and never get tired of it. It's like this every day at school. I just sit under a Willow Tree and read during free time, and sit quietly in class and listen. School is my only escape from my Mom. Some dude came up to me. I recognised him. His name is Bennett, he's one of my brother's friends, and my ex-best friend. 

  "Jess. I have to talk to you," He said, "Jax is real-"

  I didn't let him finish, "Save it. Just go away." He knelt beside me and wiped away some of my make up, and he saw my bruises.

  Bennett said, "Jess, we're talking after school today." Then, he walked off.

  Most teenagers HATE school. But, I LOVE school. Thank you, whoever made school, for school.



  How did you like the first chapter of 'The Runaways'? It took me so long to write this! UGH I CAN'T!! 

  Also, going to preschool in July. What even?

  The picture at the top is Jess and the video is her song. The second picture is her without make up. Keep in mind that I can't edit pictures so I just go on Google. The pictures aren't really the same.

  Song name: 21 Guns (Green Day)

  So, stay tuned for more of 'The Runaways'!!!

  This chapter is dedicated to:  ErikaDaae because she is helped me with choosing the characters' names! Thank you!

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