Chapter 20: The Shelters

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Four Years Later

August 12, 2021

Third Person Point Of View

  As Jess was closing out her radio show about runaways she saw Ash standing at the door smiling.

  "In conclusion," Jess said, "My friends and I were lucky that we weren't killed; we all got seriously injured, but we didn't die. Although, some people will not be so lucky. This is why my friends, Will, Ash, Mika, my brother Jax, and I are opening The Runaway shelters all across The United States. But we need your help. We need funds to open up these shelters. We're not asking for much because everything helps. If you would like more information please call 601-550-2222. Thank you." 

  Jess stood and walked over to Ash. 

  "Hey, Ash. Is everyone ready?" He nodded. They were all going to different schools talking to the students about how to deal with different things. Such as depression, suicide, sexuality, gender, abuse, step-parents, et cetera. They were going to be talking about a lot. They were also going to be telling their stories and all that they've been through. "Okay. Let's go." The two walked out of the building. 

  They each took their place in their car and Jax, who was driving the car, drove off. 

  The entire day they went around talking about what they were going to be doing. After every school they went to students would come up to them and ask different questions. Sadly, a few of them asked how to deal with abusive parents and siblings. Some of them asked where the shelter would be in New York.

  It was depressing, really; how many of these innocent kids had been ruined by the world. Through bullying, abuse, homophobes, racists, sexists, transphobes, and everything in between. No one deserves to go through that. Anything like that. 

  There was one more thing that they had to do before they could go back to the apartment, home. They were going to TheToday Show. There they would give a proper announcement to  The United States.

  They got there and they were told to tell the world what they're doing. 

 "The goal of The Runaways was now to help make the world better. To create a world where your gender, skin color, or sexuality doesn't define who you are and who you can be. A world where no one cares about the clothes you wear or who your parents are. A world where you can be any religion. A world where anyone can be anything. That's one of the reasons that we're opening these shelters." Jess began.

  Ash continued, "Today we went around New York City and talked to kids in schools about different things. Things like how to deal with abuse, bullying, your sexuality, your gender, and everything in between. We told them what we went through and how we don't want anyone to go through that. After each assembly, students could come talk to us personally. Some of these kids -who were no older than eighteen- had gone through terrible, terrible things. They would ask us how to deal with abuse or bullying. Some of them said that the day that the New York City shelter was open they'd be coming. It was depressing."

  Jax put his arm around Ash's waist and said, "Running away is a serious problem. According to the National Runaway Switchboard, an organization that takes calls and helps kids who have run away or are thinking of running away, 1 in 7 kids between the ages of 10 and 18 will run away at some point. And there are 1 million to 3 million runaway and homeless kids living on the streets in the United States. I ran away when I was seventeen, Ash and Jess ran away at age sixteen, Will was fourteen, and Mika... she was only thirteen years old."

  Mika began talking now, "Kids and teenagers will run away for a multitude of reasons. Us? Well, I ran away because my mom killed my dad and brother. I was scared. Will ran away because his best friends got killed and he thought it was his fault. Jess ran away because her mom would abuse her and Jax, her brother, ran away to protect her because of a promise made to his dad. Ash... didn't run away. He tried to commit suicide but was stopped by his future fiance. Most kids run away due to problems with their families. Some kids run away because of one terrible argument. Some even decide to leave without ever having a fight. They might have done something they're ashamed of, and they're afraid to tell their parents.

Other reasons kids run away include:

1) abuse (violence in the family)

2) parents separating or the arrival of a new of a new stepparent(s)

3) death in the family

4) birth of a new baby in the family

5) family financial worries

6) kids or parents drinking or taking drugs

7)problems at school

8) peer pressure

9) failing or dropping out of school

  But those are only SOME reasons."

  Finally, Will began to speak, "We want to prevent kids from being in danger. We also want to prevent the reasons they have for running away from happening. We want to give kids a safe place that they can call home. The Shelters can give these kids a home. We'll also be setting up different what you Americans call... payphones. The only phone number that they can call on them are the suicide hotlines, runaway hotlines, and The Shelter's phone number. And social workers and police will be doing more home inspections. These are only some of the ways that we will be helping kids. But the thing is, for us to be able to do an efficient job we'll need funding and volunteers. Any donation helps. If you need more information please call 601-550-2222."

  Then they all began to speak, "We are The Runaways. And we're here to help runaways."

  Then they went to grab their instruments. Because they have a band. They started to sing/play Sanctuary by Paradise Fears.

  The camera guys turned off their cameras. They were officially done. The announcement had been made. 

  As they walked out of Rockefeller Plaza (The building The Today Show is filmed in) they all smiled. They were going to make their impact on the world. 

  "I guess The Runaways' stories aren't over, yet." Ash said.



  OH MY GOD! IT'S FINISHED! IT'S DONE! I finished the first book! How did you guys like it? Was is good? I think it moved a little too fast, but oh the fuck well. The second book is going to be a lot better.

  Song: Sanctuary (Paradise Fears)

  Yes, these are real statistics. It's sad, isn't it? 

  I won't be starting the second book, A New Hope, right away. I'm going to write a short story first. Yep, Imma pull an Uncle Rick on you! AND YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT! MUAHAHAHAHA!

  But yeah. It was fun while it lasted but it's over now. You guys have to wait. 

  And for the last time on The Runaways, this is Nicole Di Angelo saying...


  But still...


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