Chapter 17: Every Heart Has A Story To Tell

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Third Person Point Of View

  "So," Jess said, "Tell us more about yourself, Brycelynn!"

  "Well... I ran away when I was eleven and got here a few months after I ran away. I ran away because... because... because I'm bi. And my parents are homophobic. The threatened to beat me. So I... I... left. And I came up here and started Equality Tower. I found this building and it was abandoned. Summer, the girl I met along the way -you might meet her later-, and I fixed it up, recruited some workers, and started this place. We have smaller ones all along North America, but this is the main place."

  "Brycelynn..." Declan said. "Could I maybe... stay here. I could help you guys out here. I'd just need a room."

  "Of course! We always need someone new. Thanks!" She hugged Declan.

  "Well we should get going." Jess said. "Let's get to the woods!"

  "Nah nah nah!" Brycelynn said. "I wanna know more 'bout Cenere and his friends. I mean... every heart has a story to tell! So you first heterochromia!"

  "It's Will-" Will corrected.

  "I know."

  "Well, what's there to tell? I'm an orphan. I lived in Ireland until I was like... seven... maybe. And I was bullied there. Then I came to the states. I lived there up until I ran away. I ran away because I was the reason two of my best friends got murdered... I couldn't stay there..." He started crying.

  "Hey." Mika comforted. "It's gonna be okay." She grabbed his hand.

  "Damn." Brycelynn said. "Okay next is... blonde hair... made out with Cenere. Jax... right?"

  "Yeah, that's my name. Um... I'm Jess' brother. And Ash's fiance. I ran away because I promised my... my dad-" He began to cry. "-Before my dad died. I protect her from everything -and everyone- that tried to harm her. I'll let her tell you the d-details" Ash grabbed his hand and began rubbing circle on Jax's knuckles.

  "Okay... um... brown hair... holding Will's hand... sorry didn't get your name. "


  "Mika... beautiful name."

  "Yeesh... where do I start? Well... my mom was the most stereotypical female on the face of the earth. She'd always force me to wear dresses and pink stuff, and she'd make me watch Disney shit all of the time. When my... my dead brother-" She began to tear up and let a few tears fall from her eyes "-tried to let me be me she... she... killed my dad." The tears were flowing now. "She threatened to kill us too if we told anyone. A-and years l-l-later Bent tried to tell someone because it was getting so bad... AND SHE KILLED HIM! That's when I ran away..." She was sobbing into Will's shirt. I hugged her.

  "It's gonna be okay. Your mom can't hurt you and Bennett will always be with you... in our heart and soul." We waited a few minutes until Mika was calmed down. "You okay?"


  "Okay... um I know everything 'bout Cenere. So... you... uh... Jess."

  She took a deep breath. "Okay. I've been abused by my mom for practically my entire life. She'd beat me for absolutely no reason. When we thirteen... maybe... Jax found out. Him and dad tried to get me to go to social services. But... I didn't want to be taken away from the, so I endured the pain. This is something no one -not even Jax and my Dad- know. Every time I would show weakness or emotion she'd beat me, so I've trained myself not to show emotion or weakness. And, ever since I met you guys, my emotions have slowly been coming back." She took another deep breath. "Thank you. I really needed to let that off of my chest."

  Jordan rubbed her back and kissed her cheek. Jess leaned her head on his shoulder.

  "Okay um you two... you look like twins..."

  "I'm Declan and this is Jordan we are twins."

  "What's you story?"

  "Well our dad," Jordan explained, "He's an alcoholic. Our mom left us with I'm seven years ago. He's abused us. And whne Declan ran away... it got worse. So I ran away to the beach, got shot, got found by my dad, got more abuse, ran away, and now I'm here. That's 'bout it..."

  "Yup." Declan said.

  "Wow." Brycelynn exclaimed, in awe. "That's... wow. Well, it's getting pretty late! The yellow level is the place for workers -Declan- and guests -everyone else-. I'll see you guys tomorrow!



  Hey, guys! Sorry, I haven't updated in a while. It's been a pretty chaotic month! I'm planning a few collaborations with some other authors. And I was spending a lot of time with my family this past week because of Thanksgiving. Speaking of, how was your Thanksgiving? Mine was great! My favorite dish was my mom's famous sweet potatoes! It's a secret family recipe going back GENERATIONS! 

  Anyway, I'm planning on getting up a few chapters this week. I'll see all you in the next chapter!


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