Chapter 3: Ash

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Ash's Point Of View

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Ash's Point Of View

July 4, 2003

  "YOU'RE LEAVING AGAIN?! I'm only three! You can't just leave me and Tom and me alone all the time! I'M FOUR HE'S five! WE'RE TO LITTLE!! Moooom! Daaaad," I shouted. I couldn't let them leave me alone with him again!

  "I'm sorry, Ashton," my Mom said, "You and Tomas have to stay here because we can't afford a babysitter. Your Dad and I have to go on these business trips!"

  "DON'T CALL ME ASHTON! CALL ME ASH," I shouted. I hate my name.

  My Dad made a promise, "Ash, we'll be home soon. When we get home... we'll... go on a vacation. I promise we'll come home soon." He made a promise. A promise he couldn't keep. 

  On their flight home... their plane crashed. They automatically died. Or they got lost on some island. All Tom and I know is that they're not coming back. Dad broke his promise. 

  I took that pretty hard, so did Tom. Tom took it the hardest, though. He let his anger out on me.

October 31, 2007

  "You actually think you're coming Trick-Or-Treating with us? HA! I laugh at that! You're staying here," Tom pushed me with every word, "Idiot!" It was only a year after I realized what happened to my parents, so I was still traumatized and trying to stay close to my brother. For his safety and mine.

  "B-but Tom! W-we have to stay together," I said calmly.

  "EW! Get away from us," His friend, Isabella, said.

  His friend, Raymond, pushed me down and kicked my side, "Get away!" They left me there and left.

  This was the moment I decided, "I don't need anyone. Especially if that's what people will be like. I only need myself... and Alex."

September 2, 2008

  "HA! Is that Alex? What's wrong with her? Can she not talk? Hey! I'm talking to you, RETARD," He slapped me as he said the last word. Tom. I hate him. He kicked Alex's wheelchair into the next room. It's not her fault! She's really shy and can't walk! I couldn't face Tom, at least, not after all he's done to me. He's been hitting me and bullying me at school and at home for almost a year.

December 21, 2010

  HE LOCKED ME IN THE CLOSET! Tom locked me in the f-ing closet! I don't know why! Wait... yes I do. I called him a... f-a-g. IN MY DEFENCE I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT IT WAS! So... now I'm in a closet. A dark, dank, damp, dirty, closet. I don't think I'll be seeing anyone or anything until Christmas.

May 30, 2013

  "Well, well, well... if it isn't the freak? Where's your friend? Oh... did she ditch you? I'm not surprised! Why are you in the... library? Living like a true freak! Well, how about we take a little field trip to the dumpster? COME ON FREAK," My brother's colleague, Raymond, said as he dragged me out to the back of the school.

  My brother, Tom, slowly walked up and said, "Time for daily revenge. If it wasn't for you Dad wouldn't have made that promise and I wouldn't be so angry. And you... you wouldn't be in a dumpster barely able to breathe!" Before I could say anything he threw me in the dumpster, closed the lid, and put a trashcan on top. I hate my life.

August 12, 2016 (Today)

  I didn't bother waiting for Tom. I just started running to school, until I started running faster because he was chasing me. Thank you, Universe, for giving me speed. I AM FLASH! "Just run, Ash. Just run! Don't look back," I said to myself. Guess what I did? I looked back! "SHIT! HE'S CATCHING UP," I started running faster and faster and faster. UGH! I can't run fast enough! He caught up with me as soon as we were in the school gates. Tom doesn't care if we're in school he's going to kill me anyway. He tackled me and started punching my face.

  A bunch of teenagers crowded around us chanting, "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" Two teenagers, though, stood out to me. They were practically the only ones who weren't chanting. They looked like they were siblings. In fact, I've seen them both before. The girl's name is Jess, we're partners in Chemestry (Ha ha! Very funny! 'Partners in chemistry' Like love right? UGH!) The boy, her brother, he's my crush. His name is Jax. We both have study hall, lunch, and American History together. They look sad and Jess is all bruised up, more than usual, today. I wanted to go see what's wrong but I was snapped back into reality when Tom sarted punching me.

  He punched me over and over again as I practically died. Tom screamed at me with every punch, "THIS -punch- IS -punch- ALL -punch- YOUR -punch- FAULT -punch-!! IT -punch- SHOULD'VE -punch- BEEN -punch- YOU -punch-!" This is my life ever f-ing day. No one bothers to ever help me, except Alex. 

  "Ash? Did Tomas do this? Fuck Tomas! We have to get to class," Alex tried to help me up, "On our way... I have to tell you something." I got up and we started walking and talking. She told me everything that was going on, "Your life is going to suck even more than it does pretty soon. I... have Leukemia. I don't want to go through all that treatment, so I'm going on my death bed in two days. I-I'm sorry Ash!" I didn't know how to respond.

  I just stood there, astonished. "My brother hates me, my Dad made a promise he couldn't keep because he dies, then my Mom dies, now... my best friend... no... my only friend... and best friend... the only person who understands me... chose to die. Well... I guess this is goodbye, Alex. I love you... AS A FRIEND... I mean I'm gay so..." I leaned down and hugged her. When I let go I looked her in the eyes and said, "I'll never forget you." Then, I walked away. 




  Mkay so... that was Ash. That was Ash's trust issues. That was Ash's life. 

  As you can probably tell I'm using the same days for everyone. I don't know why. I just... wanted to! Anyway... Ash is probably my FAVORITE character! He'll be your favorite character too! You'll get super attached to him! You'll fall in love with him! Trust me he'll be our favorite character!

 The picture at the top is Ash. The one below it is the picture of him getting beat up by Tom.

  The song at the top is Ash's theme song. 

  Song Name: Migraine (Twenty One Pilots)


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