Chapter 13: The Bus [Part 1]

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Jess's Point Of View

  I looked over at the clock beside my bed. It said 8:30 AM. I gasped, "Shit! We have to go!" I put on my shoes and grabbed my phone. I ran out of my room and started banging on Ash and Jax's door screaming, "Guys come on! We have to go!" Jax opened the door and he was only in his boxers. I said, "Damn, Jax. You guys just got engaged and are already having sex. Can't you wait?"

  "Shut the fuck up," Ash said, "I'm waiting 'till marriage, bitch." I laughed and they closed the door to get dressed. Then, I walked over to Will and Mika's door and knocked on it. When Mika opened the door she was blushing and holding the side of her neck.

  "Mika," I said, "What did you do?"

  She pointed to Will and said, "He's been mumbling all night saying how much he loves me." 

  "Aw," I said, "So sweet. Now, we have to go!" Mika went to wake up Will and get dressed and Ash and Jax came outside. Jax was admiring Ash's new tattoos.

  "I just love your tattoos so much, Cenere"

  Ash gasped, "You learned my name in Italian!! Oh my gosh!" Ash kissed Jax and I gagged.

  "Get a room," I said.

  "Okay," Jax said jokingly and he started dragging Ash back to their room, "We will." I rolled my eyes and they came back as Mika and Will were coming into the hallway.

  "You guys know that we can't stay in one place for too long. And we've been here for a week," I explained, "We have to go." Everyone nodded and we went down the elevator.

  "Okay," I said as we walked out of the hotel, "Where to?"

  "Harpers Ferry, West Virginia." Mika said.

Mika's Point Of View

  "What in the name of all that is Dropkick Peters (Only some of you will know who that is) is that," Will asked.

  "My Dad took Bent and I there once. There're some good woods to hide in there."

  "Mika," Jess said, "That's sixteen hours away if we walk."

  I said, "Well we'll just have to take a bus." Jess shrugged and got us some tickets with her phone. "Okay," I said, "Let's walk to that bus stop..." I started walking, but Will grabbed my hand.

  "Why do you really want to go there?" I looked at him for a second.

  "Because... that's where they buried Bennett and my Dad. They didn't want to be buried with Mom." Will nodded and we caught up with everyone else, who were already at the bus stop.

  The bus got there and we all got on. Not many people were on the bus. Jess showed the bus driver our tickets and we sat down. I decided to go to sleep. I laid on Will's shoulder and he kissed the top of my head.

  I didn't know how long I'd been asleep. All I know is that we were awoken to yelling and crying. 

  "All I'm saying is that faggots shouldn't be allowed in public," A voice said, "They're freaks!" I opened my eyes because I had a feeling someone was talking about Jax and Ash.

  "You have no right to say anything about anyone," Jess said. I woke up Will and showed him what was going on. Jess and some homophobe were arguing and Ash was silently crying while Jax comforted him. Will stood up and went to take care of what was going on. I walked over to the seat behind Jax and Ash and started to talk to them about what happened.

   I said, "What's going on."

  Jax explained, "Ash and I kissed and then Mr. Homophobic bitch back there started insulting us. Ash told me that it reminded him about Tom and started crying. We aren't bothered by the insults. It's just he's using te same ones as Tom."

  I said, "I think I know how to get Mr. Homophobic bitch to stop. Only if Ash is okay with me telling him what's happened."

   I looked at Ash and he nodded. He looked up to watch. I walked up to the bitch and said, "Excuse me, Mr. Homophobic Bitch? Yeah. I'm Mika and those are my friends, Ash and Jax. And you made Ash really upset by saying some of the things you said-"

  "He deserves it," He interrupted, "Faggots are stupid."

  "You interrupted me you bitch," I said, "He doesn't give a fuck about what you think and are saying! It's just bringing back really bad memories for him! Memories of the physical and verbal abuse he's gotten for years!!"

  "That doesn't give him an excuse to be a fag," he retaliated.

  I was getting angrier now, "But why do you get to say anything about who he's in love with?! Who gave you the right?!"

  He said, "The Bib-"

  But I cut him off, "No. The Bible says to love everyone. Not that I believe in God. But, you have no right and you shouldn't judge him."

  "I'm sorry," He said, "I was just raised to hate gay people."

  "You have to make your own choices," Ash stood up and said, "I chose to stand up to my brother. I chose to love Jax. I chose to say 'Yes' to his proposal. We've all chosen to do something and not to listen to our parents or 'friends'. Now, it's time for you to choose, ... sorry I didn't catch your name..." 

  "My name," He said, "My name is Bennett. Bennett Leger."

  "Bent," Mika said, "But... you were dead. I-I saw you!"

  "It was me," he said, "The hospital lied. They saved me in time, but they didn't want to have to explain what they did to me."

  "Wh-what'd they do," I asked. "Replaced every organ in my body," He said as he wiped a tear.

  I hugged him and then I said, "So... where are you going? What are you doing?"

  "I'm moving in with Uncle Brian in Bosten," He said, "You can move in with us if you want Mika." I shook my head, "I can't leave my friends. Or my boyfriend. Wait... why were you being so homophobic earlier?" Ash smiled.

Ash's Point Of View

  "Because," I said, "YOU JUST GOT PRANKED!"


  "Yes and that's Declan," I said, "Oh my gosh! Thanks, Declan! You're an amazing actor!"

  "Well," Declan said, "I study philosophy as well as coach young actors! It was my pleasure!" 


  Will gave her a hug and said, "We're sorry. We just wanted to pass the time on the way there." 

  "Fuck. You," She repeated. 

  "Harpers Ferry," The bus driver said, "Here we are." Everyone got off, but as I was about to get off the bus driver grabbed me and said, "Hey, Ashton. You ready to die?"



  SO! That was that chapter! As you can see the title is "The Bus Part One" and there are only 3/5 Point Of Views in this chapter. That means that there will be another chapter later in the book called "The Bus Part Two" Wth 3/5 Point Of Views in it.

  I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'm not sorry about the cliffhanger. You guys will just have to wait until the second part of this chapter comes out soon.

  Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you in the next chapter of The Runaways!


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