Chapter 10: Death And Memories

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Jess' Point Of View

  "Shit," I said, "Ash's wheelchair will never fit. Hey, Ash? Can you try and walk?"

  He nodded and struggled up. Mika and Jax tried to help him, but he pushed them aside and stood. He started off by limping, then started walking like he did be for the accident. He turned and faced Will. Will closed his eyes like he was preparing to get punched. But, all that Ash did was blow in Will's ear. We all busted out laughing!

  "You thought that Ash was going to waste a good punch on you? Ha!" We all just laughed and laughed. 

  We began walking across the bridge when I looked down. I saw a huge drop into a chasm, it looked about fifty feet deep. I said, "M-Mika? I-I'm scared o-of heights"

  She looked down, then back at me, she said, "Just get across as fast as you can. And whatever you do... DON'T LOOK DOWN!" I nodded and started walking. It was only when we got half-way to the end of the bridge that I saw her.

  "Jax," I whispered, "I-is that who I think it is?" Jax looked across the bridge and gasped.

Jax's Point Of View

  "Is that... Mom," I aked. 

  "Yup," Jess replied, "That's the bitch." Everyone stopped.

  Ash said, "That's the lady who abused you? I'll kill her!"

  "Not before me," Mika said.

  "Guys," Will mumbled, loud enough for us to hear though, "I think... that Jax and Jess should be the ones to solve this. But, first, do you guys even forgive me? Do you even trust me?"

  There was a, "Yup," from Mika.

  A, "Meh... sure," from Jess.

  A, "Maybe. It'll take some time," from Ash.

  And I said, "If Ash ever trusts you again. Then I will. But, until then... no." Will nodded.

  Jess and I stomped over to our Mom. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE," Jess shouted, "HOW DID YOU EVEN KNOW WE'D BE HERE?!?"

  I grabbed Jess' shoulder and said, "Jess... let's just get to the point. Why are you here, bitch?" 

  "I'm here because neither of you are legally old enough to move out. So, come with me. And from now on Jess will get TWICE as many beatings. Come on!" She tried to grab Jess, but before she could, there was a gun shot. It didn't come from anyone on the bridge,so it wasn't one of our friends. We looked in the direction of the gun shot. IT WAS MY DAD!

  Jess and I said, "Dad? What the hell?"

  Our Dad said, "Step away from my kids. Or... or... I'll shoot you." My Mom flipped him off, punched Jess, and pushed Jess of fthe side of the chasm. My Dad the, shot my Mom and proceeded to jump off of the side of the chasm, falling to his death.

  "Why," I said, "did he have to do that?"

  "LITTLE HELP HERE!!!" I turned around to see Jess clutching on to the side of the chasm to keep from falling.

  "Oh," I said, "I'm so sorry." I bent down to help Jess and shouted, "GUYS! COME ON!" Everyone ran over to help Jess and I. 

Mika's Point Of View

  We ran over to help up Jess, still astonished at what just happened. We bent down to help Jess. We pulled and tried to lift her, finally, we managed to get her back on the ground. Jess and Jax looked like they were about to break down and start sobbing.

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