Chapter 15 - Passing

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March 1st

Dear Simon,

Today was a little odd for me. There was some sort of award ceremony for excellent students and I don't know how, but I was recognized. The auditorium was full of students from all years, freshman to seniors. You could tell who the freshmen were, it makes me weary looking at them so excited and talkative, so immature. Freshman year seemed so long ago. Back when I still had friends like Jamie and Dell. I look a few seats back and they are sitting together and laughing with their other group of friends. The juniors are in the middle column and the sophomores are to our left, which makes it the seniors next to us, to our right. I scan the crowd for Lincoln and find him sitting next to Chester, talking casually. I wish I was over there and not by myself. I leave an empty seat open for Scarlet in case she shows up, which I don't bet on.

I look over at Linc again and his eyes meet mine. He winks at me and I blush and look away. A few minutes pass and the guidance counselors take the stage as well as the school Principal, Ms.Kegan. The auditorium quiets down and I feel wind next to me as someone plumps down beside me. I look to my left in the seat I saved and see my red hair friend. Excitement jumps through me, I haven't seen her in days. Not at lunch, not in the hallway. Where had she been? I want to ask her but I know I will get shushed by the teachers standing at the end of some of the rows.

Instead I hug her arm. She smiles as a dimple peaks out and rubs my hand. She looks to our right finding Lincoln and Chester and they wave, as happy to see her as I am. She waves cutely and sits back.

They begin saying why we are here, how it is to honor students who have done exceptionally well and are on the right path and blah blah blah.

As they call Freshmen names the Sophomore names, they say the subject that the honors are in and when the teens go up, proudly they are handed a gold plaque. They all look surprised they were getting it, but I was actually surprised. I knew my grades fell earlier in the year but I didn't know I managed to regain my balance so quickly. Thinking back on it, I did score mostly hundreds on all my exams and midterms.

"This next award goes to a Junior who has overcame very difficult times in her personal life. Losing a loved one cannot be easy, but bouncing back and still reaching honors is something worthy of being awarded. To Hedy Townsmen for honors in trigonometry, calculus, AP physics and biology. Congratulations." Ms. Kegan smiles into the crowd looking for me and a roar of applause erupts from Scarlet next to me, Lincoln and Chester on the other side, and Kyle and even Blake who are further back. I felt uncomfortable having the whole school know I went through something traumatizing, though they probably all knew already. My friends uproar immediately spread a smile across my face because a couple months before, the auditorium would have been silent as I went to grab my award.

I get out of my seat and shuffle to the stage. As I walk up the stage stairs, my friends are still shouting and cheering, while others just clap.

"We love you Hedy, Wooo!" Scarlet screams.

"Yea, go Hedy!" I hear Lincoln and Chester in harmony. I accept the plaque that seems to be a little bigger than everyone else, and stop to pose for a picture with Ms. Kegan. I tell her thank you and watch her kind eyes smile back. I walk down the stairs and back to my seat, my face hot. I don't like being singled out, but that wasn't too bad. When I sit down, Scarlet nudges me in congratulations.

I spent the rest of the day getting congratulated by some of the teachers.

I met up with Lincoln by his car and we waited until the others came out of school. He wraps his arm around my neck and puts his nose in my hair then kisses my forehead.

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