Chapter 3:4 - The Catch of the Day

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It's already 8 in the morning and I'm still lying on my bed. I still can't believe that I was being expelled from the force. I remember the times when I used to fix my bed, take my morning bath, dress up in my police uniform and eat my breakfast. But then, those things already vanished in the air.

As I fix my bed, I look at my pictures when I used to wear the uniform with the badge of honor. It's still making me smile whenever I remember those times, especially when Bob and I used to work together. Sadly, Bob haven't been with me in a true action where everything's counting for him, yet he's still considering me as his brother-in-crime.

And then . . . POOF! That's all over. I still really need Bob in the near future, wherein I must expect an even worse situation because of Chris' deception. I know that he's dirt in disguise, but Chief isn't discovering it yet. In anytime, Chris will plan any assault or intrusion when one of those police officers finds out about his true role in the police force, and of course, his true role in Halford Inc.

That explaining makes me hungry. As I open the fridge, it's empty. Yeah, I forgot to go on grocery.

As I get in my car, I think about beeping Bob with my radio.

". . . Bob, this is Jay. Bob, do you copy?"

There's a silence. After several minutes, Bob picked up his frequency.

". . . Hey man, how are you doing? Jay, you better keep a low profile. Everything's still fresh around here", Bob said.

". . . I know Bob. How's Chris doing in there?"

". . . Man, he was put in supervision by Chief. He makes his rounds. He checks everything that's suspicious, especially any information all about you."

". . . Haha! Really?! Oh, come on! Do I need to be scared? I'm scared of nobody."

". . . I know Jay. You're the man. So, what do you need?"

". . . I just need someone to talk to. I'm going on grocery shopping."

". . . Not exactly. I'm just hungry."

". . . Hold Jay, there he is. Beep me after an hour. He's here. Got to go."

". . . Okay Bob. Hang in there."

I arrived at Rushford Mall. It's good to be back where I used to shop.

There are plenty of good sights here - window shops, wardrobes, gadget bars, food kiosks. Everything's in here.

But there is one of the most important shops of them all - the Grocery Shop.

My hunger can't wait much longer, so I hurry at the push carts' section to grab one. I first move to a cubicle far ahead - the frozen fishes' section.

Wow! All kinds of fishes are here, except that they're . . . a little bit bigger than before.

I pass by the Seafood's' Section. Strangely, they're also a bit bigger too.

"Hey! Look at all those fishes! They're actually big!" a shopper exclaimed happily.

"Come on! Grab some before everyone does!" exclaimed by another shopper.

"Don't worry, Sir. We still got a barrel. They're very fresh and new from Rushford Lake", a retailer said.

Oh really? Did he just say that those fishes come from Rushford Lake? Isn't that the lake beside Halford Inc.? I approach the retailer and talk to him about this.

"Wait. Did you just say that these fishes come from Rushford Lake?"

"Yes, Sir. Why did you ask?" the retailer replies and asks me with a follow-up question.

I grab a fat fish and check its insides. It's very pale and with traces of green goo.

"Hey! Are you buying that or not?!" I'm being startled about the way he asks me.

"I'm sorry. I'm just . . . yeah, I'll take it."

"Say, are you a health inspector?"

"No. I'm just like you."

He gives me the fish and my change.

"Thank you, Sir."

As I walk away from his fish stand, I whisper to myself:

"You've got to be kidding me. This is my favorite fish. Something's not right. Wait, the policeman who talked to me before said that it's only algae, but why do fishes like this get 'allergies' from algae? Something must be wrong around here. Fresh catch, huh? You're not just paying attention to the fish."

As I exit the mall, I throw the fish in the garbage can because it's useless to me no more.

An hour has passed; I got a minute to talk to Bob.

". . . Bob, are you still there?"

Moments later, Bob responded.

". . . Hey Jay! Is anything wrong?"

". . . Yeah. I know you don't eat fishes of all kinds, but I suspected something that's very odd."

". . . What? Are you still hungry?"

". . . Not anymore, when I see one. It's like; it's been poisoned by the lake."

". . . What's with the lake?"

". . . It was contaminated by an unknown chemical. You better check that out, before the citizens die of poisoning."

". . . Copy that cowboy."

At last, I returned home safely and a complaint was already sent. Now, the RPD will investigate it. I really want to know what containing in that chemical has dumped into the lake. I can't wait for the news flash tomorrow.


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