Chapter 3:1 - The Dead Sea

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"What a beautiful day it is. I wonder what's in store for me this pleasant afternoon. Roger, can I have a cup of coffee please?"

I'm inside the Hampshire Coffee Shop. For me, it's one of the most convenient stores here in Rushford to spend my break with. Nothing beats my afternoon daze with a luscious and creamy cup of coffee, while I read a daily newspaper.

". . . All units, this is Alpha. We had a situation at the Halford Industries Inc. complex only just yesterday. A series of gunshots were heard in committing a huge hostile takeover. Please check it out and maintain the area secured until the investigation team clears up the mess", I've just received a report from my radio.

"Roger, can I have this cup for a moment? Don't worry, I'll be back later."

I start to drive forward without further ado. It's a good thing that my coffee doesn't spill while I'm cruising along the streets of Hampshire, going to Halford Inc.

After several minutes, I arrived. Dozens of police cars were already there and they barricaded the crime scene. Several policemen are very busy going back and forth. The others are civilians surrounding the area, who are very curious of what has happened.

"Officer, please come with me", a policeman approaches me from behind.

"So, what happened here?" I ask him.

"A team of unknown spies have just ambushed the guards and surprised Halford Inc. According to what we've discovered; the guards were slain with some kind of a dagger or sword. They've been slashed to death. We've just theorized that it had to be the handwork of the spies. Look at this", he tells me, as he points out to a carcass.

I'm looking at a corpse of a sentry. His neck has been clawed. The other sentries have also undergone the same fate: slashed and even, decapitated.

"This is very heinous and sadistic", I say, grimacing.

"I know Officer. I've never seen anything like this kind of killing in my whole life. Come on; let's take a look around."

We pass by the complex. I'm so quiet and concentrated in thinking of what truly happened here.

"Unfortunately Officer, We can't go inside. The place has been locked down, and we can't breach the blast doors open. The complex is tightly-sealed. We've noticed a couple of visible tracks, so we followed them, leading to the lakeshore."

Then, we go to the place beside the lake. Another batch of dead guards is seen littered along the path. The policeman starts to point out the restricted lake.

"Our group of coast guards has sailed there a while ago. The last set of bodies has been recovered. Also, a sealed-tight keg has been secured. We still don't know what's inside that keg, due to its punctured holes surrounding it", the policeman continues to speak.

"Wait. I see something."

Something has caught my attention. I dip my finger underwater and I feel the texture of it. When I finish, I feel an odd, sticky, green substance around my finger. I smell it and it's stinky. I turn my back to let him know about it.

"So, what do you think of this?" I ask him right away, showing the substance.

"Officer, I hate it to break it down to you. I'm not a marine biologist, but that's surely an algae", he replies.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Why? I mean, don't you trust a cop? I am not dirty."

"Okay. Fine by me. Wrap this up now before the dawn breaks. Secure this area, and don't let anyone play here, especially the media. Do you copy?"

"Copy that Officer."

"Alright, just beep me if something stupid happens. I'm taking off. Don't worry, I'll help you. I'm on the case."

"We got it."

As I get myself back in the car, still I'm not convinced with what that policeman concluded.

"Algae, huh? Very tricky. Come on cup; let me take you back home." 

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