Chapter 1

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I feel my feet on the patterned concrete floor. The pressure building up in my muscles from the intense strain of running, yet still the urge is stronger to continue than the pain is to stop. The soft buds of my earphone blast through my ears playing Treat you better by Shawn Mendes.Somehow the pain and the high pitched music creates a numbness in my thoughts. A distraction maybe? Today's a big day for me and I'm a bit on edge, I've worked hard all year round and I've been looking forward to this day for awhile. The wind blows crashing towards my skin, I can feel goose bumps rising. I hate being cold. I think coldness is the closet to death and darkness. I bring my body to a prompt stop, giving my legs a break bending over resting my hands to my knee to ease the strain. I gasp gradually in taking air , stupid of me thinking  spandex and sweats could withstand this stupidass  early morning breeze. I jogged my way to the coffee shop I usually go every morning after my daily jog Sophie's or is it Steph's  I think.Whatever, it's not like they ask before serving me. I head to the doors stretching my arms to open them when an elderly man managed to do it before me signaling me forward. To think that  chivalry was outdated. I smiled politely and made my way towards the small cue which I joined. I ordered my coffee; two spoons of cream and two sugar with a chocolate muffin . Oh how I love chocolate, the most awesomest thing ever discover by humans. In fact I think they should-
"Earth to kalie!", i was being interrupted by the coffee guy Jones who  had grown to know me well considering I've been here every morning for over a year.
I smiled slightly, "how much?". "That will be 2.75 thank you ma'am." I chuckled slightly, " call a girl ma'am again and you'll die a virgin." Jones grinned a bit too enthusiastically showing his dimples. Way to make a girl weak...
Anyways I made my way to the small booth near the window which gives you view of everyone who passes or enters . I love this booth. I can stalk hot guys from a far. Plus I love people watching, I find it... Interesting . People going about there own life, wearing different outfits, different moods. For instance,  this lady; she has dark  ginger  hair curled and pinned from her face. She's wearing those ankle breakers,peach pencil skirt with lavender long sleeved shirt. She's barking furiously into her  phone not paying any attention to her whereabouts. Sucks being a lawyer I guess. I take a sip from my coffee, squeeze my eyes shut and moan a little. People don't just have orgasms from sex you know. God this coffee is good, I should've  tipped Jones a little more, but then again I do come here everyday...
I unzip my sweater revealing my undershirt, then I saw a woman about in her Forties with bleached blonde hair staring at me in scrutiny. I raise my left brow at her which caused her to quickly pull her gaze back to.. Whatever the fuck she bought. How rude.
I bit into my muffin then took a sip from my coffee.
'I know I can treat you better than he can
'Any girl like you deserve a gentle man.
So tell me why are we wasting time on all your wasted crime
'When you should be with me instead .
'I know I can treat you better...
'Better than he can!

I'm humming along happily sipping my coffee when I see someone approaching my booth. What the fuck. I own this booth. MY BOOTH!!!  Not that I've labelled it or anything . It's a guy. He's freaking hot!! Never mind come sit with me Mr yum. He has short dark hair shorter at the back and curls a little at the front. He has a pale shade of blue eyes with tan and muscular features. I let my eyes freely rake over this Greekass body . Please don't let him be a fuckboy god. He reaches to my booth and flashes me a smirk. Why are his teeth so white? I study his face intently , perfect lashed and eyebrows. He's probably gay.
'Is this chair taken ? Or are you waiting on someone?'
His voice is so beautiful I'm almost speechless . No it's not taken idiot would I be here fantasizing about your voice!
He chuckles slightly, showing his indent dimples, again a girls weakness. Kill me now.
He strides across and pull the chair out wards then sit. Rude much. He rests his hand on the table crossing them smirking on at me.
"Depends on what?"
Shit, I didn't think of this . Uhmm...
"Depends on who's asking, I mean you could be a serial killer, a rapist, a scammer, a vampire... You could never know. These people walk around looking like normal ho- ordinary people . He bends his head backwards in laughter. I smile awkwardly feeling a bit uncomfortable. Here I am all sweaty and probably smelly with my hair moist and sticking all about in baggy clothes talking to a hot perfection. Time of my life.
He reaches his left hand to reach my right arm showing his veins stretching across his skin. Again, a girls weakness. I reach my hand forward giving a slight shake. He stares straight into my eyes as if prying through my soul..
" I'm Matthew, I was sitting over there , he points to secreted booth up top, and I noticed how.. Enthused you were while having your coffee and I just had to say hello. I mean it's not everyday I see a girl roll her eyes while having her coffee. " I immediately choke on my muffin. I'm so embarrassed I could die right now, I quickly remove my eyes from his. He ushers a waiter for some water who quickly cooperates and hand it to me. I sip until my throat feels better then bite the glass feverishly. He smiles, " Oh don't be embarrassed, I absolutely enjoy seeing a woman so expressive and carefree, please do tell. How's the coffee?"
Shitface. I roll my eyes and head out starting to jog back home .
I was pissed. How dare he stalk me in my worst moment then confront me! He wasn't even all that hot... Ok he was hot but still!! Screw him. And all arrogant, narcissistic, hot Greek guys! Ugh .
My mom and I migrated here 12 years ago from Jamaica.  She's a nurse and we have a small two bed room house in New York. We don't get along well much considering our extreme contrast in personalities . We never did and I doubt we ever will . My mom has always wanted me to be the perfect child , considering I'm the only one, go to church, get exceptional grades and be everything good. Imagine how that turned out. I'm religious in some sense but I just don't think it's right to judge other people who dosent go to church on Sundays or wear skirts down to there ankle.
It's brighter now, it's 15 past 7 and the sky is clearer. The blue and White house I dread so much appears to my view and I head to the porch to start packing. Just as I'm about to open the front door my obnoxious ring tone starts and drop my phone. " Fuck! " I screech, my best friend Stephan name appears on the screen which surprisingly hadn't cracked. I swipe to the right and press the phone against my ears. " Hello bestfriend !!",  Stephs a bit of a drama queen really. I mean she sees me everyday considering she lived just a few blocks away, yet here she is screaming in my ears. I might of well just be suicidal .
" Yes Steph", I said annoyed.
"Someone has their period, anyways I'm coming over soon to help you pack babe cause I know you haven't started "  I can hear her roll her eyes,of course she is.
"Ok I'm on my way in , call me when you get here"
"Love you"

Hey guys!!! This is my first book and is unedited so please comment your opinions and vote please!!!
Also this is my writing so if anyone steals it and I happen to know i'll hunt  you down and sue you!!! Copyright
Remember to vote!!
Xoxo Rochelle

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