Chapter 15

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"Oh my holy shit!! I can't believe we're actually driving in your car right now. Together. "

A sudden sense of calmness comes over me and there's so much happiness bottled up in this single moment. Stephan and I are doing exactly what we've dreamed of for like an eon and it's just so overwhelming. We've decided to pretend that this both our actual first time driving together to college and she's glowing like a firefly right now; that's the thing about her, she makes what would be simple to an average person monumental. But then again we're not average people.

"Would you stop playing with the windows Stephan, and turn down the freaking radio!", I scold her and she pouts like a child.
Today is important. Yes. That's it. It might not be as huge of a deal to her as it is for me. I take a deep breath and close my eyes starting the engine. My baby hurries to life responding to my touch; ok so I've decided to call my car "My Baby", I know weird but that's what I've decided on.
So the plan for today is that I finish my classes and head straight to Jake's place then tell him we can't work out then leave for Matthew's place. I hope he's home when I get there. I make sure to look extra good today; putting an effort into my outfit and doing my makeup. I'm wearing my favorite red pleated shirt and a black sweatshirt with long sleeves with a white kitten and purple bottoms. I match it with my black stockings and pumps that has a tiny bow on top. It's cheery, fresh, and girly; which is what I'm going for, my hair had been straightened and washed and is sitting on the top of my head in a messy cute bun. My makeup gives me that extra confidence and push. I feel great. Even Stephan said so; James came to pick her up this morning but she refused claiming she wants to drive with her best friend on the first day of school. That moment just summed up why I love this girl .

Stephan and I have very few classes together because we're doing different courses and I feel incredibly alone even though I'm surrounded by hundreds of people. Another thing; I hate crowds and people being too close to me, I get the chills. In high school, it was just me, Stephan, Abbey , Rick, and Rebecca. Now that there together it just seems natural to call their names together. Anyways we would just always sit together by ourselves; except whenever Rick had a new girlfriend which usually didn't last long.
Everyone welcomes me into each class as I introduce myself and the teachers are fairly nice. I haven't quite chosen a sport though I know Stephan Pryce will force me into joining stupid yoga with her so we can both check out that stupid instructor she's been talking about ever since she started college. I bet he's gay. Damn yoga! Well, I Kalie Haughton will not join yoga!
I hate this darn place, I'm not even sure what class I have next, my books are in my hands and everyone is passing and shoving my freaking shoulders! Ok, I know I'm not the tallest person(blame that on my mother's gene) this is why I hate people; they're like freaking blind zombies! Ughhh. I wish Steph was here . I look at the room number on my timetable and start roaming the hallway until I come across the number 27 . I walk in biology fashionable late smiling awkwardly when the teacher nods at me I take the only empty seat next to an Asian looking girl. I see everyone scribbling something from the textbook and I search for my pencil case in my bag but I can't find it!! Ughhh!! God please help me .
The Asian girl beside nudges my shoulder and gives me a pencil and pen then shifts her book in the middle so I can see from her textbook. And they say God doesn't answer prayers anymore.
I smile genuinely at her then whisper a thank you beginning my work. The class ends shortly as everyone gets up when the teacher shouts the page number of the assignment that I write down. I start handing back the Asian looking girl her stationaries when she shakes her head declining.

"It's ok, you can keep them. I'm Naeha ."
She stretches her hands which I shake gently .

"Thanks, I'm Kalie. Nice to meet you ." I look at my watch; yes I wear those things when I realize that I only have 5 minutes to get to my next class, I don't want to be late so I say bye and start leaving.

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