Chapter 5

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I woke up to the luminous invasion of light peeking through the bright orange curtains and the voice of my best friend singing Let it go from Frozen . I stir in my bed and it takes a while to recalculate where I am. From the water I heard beating on concrete and the terrible singing I can tell Stephan is having a shower, but why ? It's soooo early. Ugh. Shit!!!!! I need to get up and start getting ready.
As if right on cue my mother enters the room.
" I can't believe your not up yet kalie!!, today is your fist day on your job and you know Mrs Pryce and have to get back to New York as early as possible. I have to catch my night shift "
Please make it stop.
" kalie !!!!!"
" Mother I'm up, and uncle Nigel is my boss so it's ok if I'm a little late he'll understand " I'm really not up for this, my eyes still hurt and I feel exhausted.
"What ? So you think just because he's your uncle you can reach whenever you want ? If you do anything to jeopardize this job I will personally call him and tell him to fire you!!! "
Im really not in for this today , I thought she would be gone by the time I woke up, why the fuck did Steph not wake me?
"Sure you would " I dryly respond.
She raises her eyebrow at me, why is she always picking a fight when I just want her to go back home and leave me at peace.
Steph slightly opens the bathroom door with a towel rapped around her silky legs and smiles uncomfortably. I glare at her, this is all her fault. If she had woke me-

"Get ready by 8:30 your job starts at 9 and we are leaving at that time so if you want a ride I suggest you hurry", my mother states disrupting my thoughts.
I grab my toiletries bag and shove pass Steph to strip from my night outfit. Steph comes barging in the room as I'm taking off my shirt. I choose to ignore her ill mannerism.
" honestly you need to chill, I'm sorry I didn't wake you but you didn't tell me you start working today so I left you, just because you have issues with your mom doesn't mean every time you guys cuss it's my fault "
What the fuck?
" I need to chill? You know I had work today I told you I did back home !!"
"It's still not my sole responsibility to wake you up or to remind you that you have work today Kalie, you need to be responsible and stop blaming people when things go wrong for you."
And with that she slams the door and leave. What the hell? This is my room and my bathroom hence my bathroom door!!!
I open the door then slam it harder than she did . Because I'm petty like that. Fuck her and her theory.
I tear my remaining clothes off angrily then step into the shower , the water is hot and it's all I need right now, I cover my hair with a shower cap since I don't intend on washing it and turn my back to the steaming water. My muscles immediately starts to relax.
How dare she calls me irresponsible when she knows I've been through shit!! Yes I know it's not her responsibility to wake me up but I'm her best friend she should've known , right? I sighed I know I'm being unfair and she's somehow right but I'm not ready to face the music and apologize yet.
I step from the shower and reach for the towel to rap around my body not bothering to shave my legs. When I get in the room Steph is not there , I look at my phone to see the time is 8:12. I quickly dry my skin and start getting ready. I choose a yellow sundress and my brown boots that reaches to my knee from my suitcase with a grey cardigan to complete my outfit. I let my hair down and comb my way through the curls which settle on my shoulders. I check the time again, 8:23. I'm starving but we have no food here as yet so I guess I'll have to get something on my way to work. I'm working for my uncle Nigel since he lives with his wife Gloria which I absolutely love plus she's French, and their two daughters Jamile and Kylie. I think their about 14 I don't exactly remember I saw them about 2 years ago. He co-owns a small grill restaurant in Jacksonville called " Gloria and Nigel's" and you can guess where that came from. He's a really cool guy and I don't want to take advantage of him, he asked that I come stay with him but I refused in regards to Steph. I grab my leather bag and make my way to the living room where I see everyone waiting for me.
"Hi sweetie how was your rest?" I'm greeted by Mrs Pryce radiant smile and her bubbly attitude.
"It was fine thanks much, how was yours?", I politely ask.
"It was good, do you have everything ?
I nod my head and we begin to trod out the door which Stephan locked as we went through ignoring me. She's staying home today since she's hasn't found a job yet, she declined working with me .I sighed as we made our way to the car, my phone beeps abruptly. It's a text message from Abbey.

* hey Kal, how are you ? Are you at work yet, we need to have a chat*
I type quickly responding to her text.
* no not yet, on my way, is everything ok? *

* Yes it can wait text me when you can.
I shove my phone in my bag as the car stops signaling my arrival. I looked out to see the gray building and orange writings " Gloria and Nigel" hanging from the roof. I hear my mom begin to speak.

"Good luck with this job Kalie, I hope you keep it since you need to pay for that apartment", of course she would mention that,"your not in high school anymore and I'm not there to watch over you , I'd like to think your responsible enough to know what's right from wrong . Please be careful not to stray from your goals remember why you are here. Don't allow silly distractions to get under your skin"

I nodded my head not bothering .
Mrs Pryce gave me a thumbs up as I got out from the car. I opened the orange door to be greeted by my uncle/boss. I need to start calling him my boss now.
"Hey kalie, it's so good to see you can't believe your in college now!!" Uncle Nigel engulfed me with a bear hug while I ignore his huge stomach and the way the hairs on his chest tickles my cheek. After all he is signing my paychecks.
I chuckle slightly," It's good to see you too uncle thanks for giving me this job"
"No problem pumpkin, it's the least I could do now don't think because I'm your uncle your getting free passes " he said winking at me. Ha.. Way to crush a girl's dream.
"Now Gloria isn't here today so you can start taking orders on your first shift", he throws an orange apron to me.
" come this way so I can introduce you around "
I smile slightly and follow him putting on my apron.
"This is Chelsea ", he points to brunette with purple stripes along the sides and back. She waves and smiles politely. He then announces other people that I absolutely don't remember.
" And this is Delilah" he finished pointing to a red head with a shitload of makeup on her face which is stupid considering she's working in a kitchen.
"Why is she wearing clothes when we have to wear uniform " she glares at me chewing her gum. Her name fits her perfectly I automatically find her annoying
"Not because she's your niece-"
"It's her first day so I didn't have time to issue her uniform please cooperate and be nice", Uncle Nigel cuts in. I appreciate it but I like fighting my own battles.
"Fine" she responds rolling her eyes and going back to work . And people say I'm bitchy.
"Don't mind her, she's naturally a bitch " the brunette I met earlier on smiled at me handing me a tray .
" ok give this to that guy over there at the window" she points to a guy from behind with dark curls and I thank her making my way to my first customer.
"Hi I'm Kalie, enjoy your meal", I said smiling at his face. His face!!! I know this dickhead from the coffee shop in New York. He smirks at me as I roll my eyes.
"Kalie I see.."
"No actually you heard is that all?"
He laughs slightly showing his once again perfect teeth.
"Still got an attitude I see"
"Still got that arrogant annoying smirk on your face I see"
"Are you stalking me Kalie? And it seems just a couple days ago you were accusing me of being a stalker. How the tables have turned"
Is this guy serious? Me stalking him? Ha!!
"No punk I'm not stalking you, I go to Florida states college" I said annoyed at this guy taking up my time put aside how hot he is.
His face suddenly brightens as if he just collected gold from at the end of a rainbow.
He smiled a sinister smile,"oh you do now? Is he deaf?
"Well it seems that we are school mates , see you tomorrow love" he says in a fake British accent.
I scurry away to hide my surprised expression ,he has to be kidding!!! There's no way he goes to my school. Ugh!!! I hurry to serve my next customer agitated by what he said. I refuse to believe it.

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