Chapter 17

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Kalie's POV

There are so many things I could say and do right now but nothing would avenge the hurt I feel. I don't know how to act; and I can't throw my typical Kalie tantrum. I look at them both before turning to leave. Matthew starts behind me and I start running towards the elevator; I don't want to hear his bullshit. This is just bullshit!!! I'm so fucking sick of this!! I don't want to "feel", I just want to turn off my emotions like in Vampire's Diary and cuddle with my best friend tonight. We share one last glance before the door closes, and I jump when I hear him hit the doors.
I know that we weren't "together" and that he's not "obligated" to me in no way but I still feel this way. Maybe this is my fault, maybe I deserve this, to be alone in perpetual hurt. Maybe it's my fault that I'm like this. I don't know what to feel now but I know I'm so tired of being hurt and disappointed.
My baby gets me home in just the space of 15 minutes and when I get there I see Stephan and James leaving.

"Hey! How did it go ?", she's smiling enthusiastically and I don't know what to tell her . Her smile fades slightly when she takes in my reaction. She places her bag down on the table and comes to hug me.
I sigh into her embrace not refusing the comfort I get from her.

"What's wrong? What happened, did he hurt you ?", her eyes are filled with worry as James sits beside her.
I don't want to ruin their night with my drama.

"No, it's ok I was want to be alone for a while , I'm fine ."

She rolls her eyes and hisses her teeth .

"No your not freaking fine Kal, I know when something is bothering you, do you want me to stay?"

"No! Please, I promise to tell you after your back ."
She looks at James dubiously and I smile assuring her I'm fine.

"Are you sure Kal?"

"Yes, please enjoy yourselves, when your back I'll tell you ."
She sighs and hugs me tightly grabbing her bag from the table looking at me one more time. James smiles at me before closing the door and I'm left alone in the silence and absolute chaos in my head. I don't want to think about it, I just want to forget it. I change in my pj's and sit on the couch retrieving the remote when someone knocks at the door.
I really hope it's not Steph that has changed her mind even though that's highly the case .
Matthew stands at my door with his hand resting on the wall and the minute I see him I feel angry. I feel angry at him for being so handsome, I feel angry at him for calling me out on moaning on my coffee, I'm angry at him for making me feel like this, I'm angry at him for just just being here now!! I swing the door with more force than necessary to create more of a dramatic scene like the movies and when I don't hear it slams I'm even more upset! He places his foot in to block the door and I raise my eyes brows. Ok, since he's asking for it, he'll get it.
I open my mouth to tell him how much I hate him, how I wish he'd never came into my life and how pissed off I am at him right now for fucking buttcheek but none of those words manage to leave. He closes the space between us and kisses me fiercely. No!! He doesn't get to kiss me right now! How dare he kiss me when I'm trying to tell him off. I'm trying to fight him off of me but he doesn't budge, but do I want him to stop? Do I want this feeling to stop? Oh fucking no.
I soon give in when he traces his lips at my neck and starts kissing me harder.
My body has stopped fighting him and all my senses have taken over sending soft moans to my lips in betrayal. All my anger and frustration have been converted to one thing: unmistakable, outpouring lust. I want this, I want to feel his lips against mines, I want him to touch me. I want to feel this tingly feeling I haven't had for so many ages. So I let him. I let my self be weak. I feel needy when I feel my toes arching from the floor to meet his lips and I force his head down clamping my arms around his slender neck to reach my lips. I arch my neck when he starts sucking on my skin; the feelings send me off the edge. It's indescribable; I feel so hot on the inside but when he works his tongue against my skin I feel like I'm on fire but it's so exhilarating.
What can I say, I'm a sucker for pain.
The pressure begins to build up towards my core and I tightly close my legs to ease some of the pressure.
I don't know what I want at the moment, I just know that I don't want this feeling to stop , I don't want him to stop that is . So I let him, I let him draw me into much deeper intimacy .
He lifts me up and sits us on the couch so that my back is towards his chest, he's touching me in all the right places and it feels so good. It feels so good that I've forgotten everything that I was so angry about.
He's breathing harshly in rushed breaths against my neck as he squeezes my hips, I can feel him under me; it's not something that you can ignore, it had made itself beyond prominent.
He widens my thighs with his and I rest my head on his shoulders moaning when he gropes my breasts .

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