Chapter 3

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Matthew POV

My head is pounding. I can hear it. Why does my head hurts so much? I didn't drink that much last night. Did I? Ugghh! I don't remember, this is why I don't drink, the hangovers are unbearable. I went out last night at a bar near home with James and Caleb to celebrate our departure. They were so excited to leave; well James was, Caleb isn't all cozy with the idea since he's being separated from his girlfriend, lucky him. Anyways, we've been friends for ages and I couldn't disappoint them by not drinking. Wouldn't want to be a pooper. That sounds werid.
I try getting up slowly holding unto the coffee table beside my bed, I immediately regret this. Shit!! My alarm starts ringing , or is that my head? I squint my eyes then turn it off. I swear I'm never getting drunk again. I stand slightly still holding unto the coffee stand, I make my way downstairs to get something for this hangover. My feet becomes in contact with the cold wooden floor as I make my way down stairs, I flinch as I turn my neck to the right. My soft palm rubs against  my neck, why does my neck hurt ? Was I dragged up the stairs?
I sighed and started my way to kitchen, as soon I get down stairs I can hear my mom singing and feeding my baby sister Carmen, sshhh already .
I hear her laugh softly. Did I say that out loud?
" Good morning honey, you don't look well"
" You don't say"
I use the back of my hands to block the sun's invasion, then make my way straight to the coffee maker. Then I realized it's empty. What the hell?!
"Who broke the coffee maker"
"It's not broken Matt, I haven't went grocery yet, but there's some aspirin I left near the sink for you" she points to the sink and said something else I didn't quite hear.
Why did I drink last night !! I'm going to kill James , I bet he's not having this he's practically a drunk his body is immune to this shit. I can't have a hangover today, I'm leaving today. I rush towards the sink almost tripping on the way then drown the aspirins down my throat. I quickly turn on the tap to fill my glass of water then drown that down too.
" Slow down honey"
I put it in the sink and start walking towards my room when I trip again!!!
"Shit!!", I cursed.
My mom gives me a disgruntled look, she quickly covers Carmen ears.
" I said no swearing in the house!!", she yell whispers then points to the list of no's on the refrigerator she made after Carmen came.
"Sorry mom, it's not like she can understand what I'm saying"
She narrows her eyes at me then removed her hands.
I sighed then kissed hers then Carmen forehead.
" I'm going out to get some coffee "
" Don't be long remember you have to be back in time to start packing!", she yells as I walk through the front door.
It's still dark. Why is my mom up so early ? Oh.
I rubs my temples and rotate my neck slowly, I can feel my headache subsiding I just need a little extra boost.
I start jogging to the coffee shop . I feel the wind swaying along with me as I jog, it's quiet as there's not much people out. I sneeze then rub my nose, I should've  took my jacket. Not too long did I start to see the red brick wall and the cursive letters that make out "Sophie's" . I quickly get in trying to beat this weather to be welcomed by the warm and comforting heat . There's not a lot of people in here this early, it should be around 6 or 7, not sure.
I close my eyes and let my senses take over, the coffee smells great. I make my way over to the cashier, who was a thin, pale guy with freckles.
" Good morning sir, what would you like to have?" , he chirped , seems to love his job.
I cleared my throat and made an order of a strong coffee with 2 spoons of sugar . I sat at the stool around a table up front until my coffee came.
" Will that be all sir?"
I smiled slightly at the timid girl in front of me, I peeked at her name tag, Carrie ?
" Yes for now Carrie thanks"
I began taking slow sips from my coffee gazing around the room at the other customers . There was a middle aged man who had a cane and was sitting near the window, he had thick glasses that hang unto the edge of his nose. I looked further down, there was a girl, about my age, she had caramel skin , dark hair that had short curls at the sides that were made into an untidy bun at the top of her head. She had on gray joggers and white sweats. Seems she had been jogging, she was sweating, the sweat kinda made her skin shine a little from the light radiating off it. She's literally shining, she's pretty. I start watching her intently . Shes having coffee and muffin , chocolate I think. There's a blonde elderly woman across from her, she raises her eyes brow lightly at her which causes her to look away.
I laugh to myself as I sip my coffee. She zips down her sweat to reveal a pink undershirt, I study her face. She uses both her hands to bring her coffee to her soft lips that have become wet from this. She rolls her eyes... And I can't hear her but i know she's moaning and it's a bit of a turn on. I bring my head back and laugh . I've never seen a girl moan while having her coffee. Then I frown, I'm so weird, here I am stalking a random girl in a coffee shop moaning on her coffee . She has dimples, I know her cheeks are burning from how deep they extend when she folds her lips. Her lips... I shake the thoughts that creep to my mind as I bravely make my way to her booth. As I get closer to her I get a better view if her face, her cheekbone , how straight her nose is, she has a nose ring , how plump her lips are, how relaxed she is sitting staring at the window with those earphones in her ears , she seems to be listening to something. Of course this all changes when I make my way to her, she's checking me out and she's not being shy about it either . I smirk to my self.
" Is this chair taken? Or are you waiting on someone? I ask politely .
"Depends" she answers .
I pull the chair forward earning a look from her. "Depends on what?"
She seems a bit conflicted as she furrow her brows In thought .
"Depends on who's asking, you could be a serial killer, a rapist, a scammer, a vampire you never know. These people walk around looking like normal ho-, she quickly catches on to herself ,"ordinary people.
I laugh to myself, she's funny.
I stretch my hands forward in hope that she shakes it,
" I'm Matthew "
Luckily she complies and placed her hand in mines, they're soft and warm...
" I was just over there, I point to the table I was sitting at," when I saw how.." I search for a proper word to use, " enthused you were while having your coffee and I just had to come and say hello. I mean it's not everyday I see a girl roll her eyes while having her coffee."
She immediately starts choking ,I could see the embarrassment encrypted all over her face,I usher for a waiter passing by to get some water who returns shortly . I smile to myself as she bites on the edge of the glass. She's so adorable. I could cuddle her right now with those brows moving up her forehead.
"Please , don't be embarrassed it's not everyday I see woman so expressive and carefree, please do tell, how's the coffee? "
At this moment she looks like she would chop off my head , her cheeks are swell and she's glaring at me. She rolls her eyes and storms out the coffee shop not glancing behind. I start laughing  to myself as the same woman from across the booth eyes me carefully, I raise an eyebrow at her just as...
Shit!!!!  I didn't get her name!! She didn't tell me !By this moment my headache was completely demolished, I run to the door to catch her up when I realized he had disappear. I sigh rubbing my neck when I realized I had to get back to start packing.

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