Chapter 6

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It's 7pm when I get off my shift, I will work from 2-8pm when I start college tomorrow but I decided to stay later and help out. It's really cause I don't want to go home and face Steph. I can't believe were fighting already...
I lifted the apron over my head and fold it shoving it in my bag. I lazily dragged my feet along the floor to sit on a stool waiting on my uncle to give me a ride back to the apartment. I sighed, I need to buy a car. I should be able to from all the money I saved while working in senior year. The restaurant doesn't close until 2am so there's is still people coming in. Today was ok I guess... Otherwise from the run in I had with that Matthew, I really hope he was just taunting me, well I think I hope. I  guess it wouldn't be so bad having another hot guy with defined muscles, pink lips, sexy butt, perfect la-
"Let's go punpkin, I have to get back soon", my uncle ushered me to the car handing over to me a bag of junk food that will probably help me put on more kilos tonight. I walked close to him as he opened the front seat for me. He then jumped in and made his self comfortable turning on the engine which hurried to life.
"How was your first day?" He asked carefully.
"It was ok. A bit tiring though".
He nodded turning up the radio to Meghan Trainor Me Too. I chuckled a little then rose an eyebrow at his taste.
"Young at heart they say"
"Ok sir, hey do you know any car dealership I can go to buy a proper car ?", I asked. I needed to get a car.
" yes, sure uhmm say about Saturday ?"
Saturday I won't have any classes But I'll have work.
"Yes thank you .
"Your welcome "
Within the next 5 minutes we arrived at the familiar building I now call home. I thanked him again after he gave me a pair of uniform which consisted of a neatly sewed white knee-length dress with short sleazed lined with orange threading and orange collar. "Gloria's and Nigel's Grill restaurant" was embedded in cursive at the top. I guess it won't be that bad. I made my way to my room. The closer I got the more I thought about not knowing what to say to Steph, she hadn't texted me all day. I find my self at the hallway as my key bore through the door opening it. I sighed as I looked around to find her, I make my way to the kitchen placing the bag of food on the table, then made my way to her room.
"Hey you didn't text me today "
"Neither did you , what's the issue?"
What's the issue? What is her problem, I'm here trying to talk to this girl and she decides to bitch on me! Forget this shit.
"Nothing " I said glaring at her from behind. I took the bag of food then sat on my bed . There was a huge sandwich which consisted of grilled beef, grilled cheese, grilled breads, grilled tomatoes and pickles. No surprise to me really. There was also a box with cheesed fries and bacon . Yummy. I started eating attacking my burger, I haven't eat since 10am this morning. I'm starved. I moan in satisfaction , I need to stop doing that. It then occurred to me that we haven't bought groceries or anything else for this house which meant that Steph is probably hungry while I'm here stuffing my face I sighed making my way to her room once again. I knocked politely stepping after she turned her head to nod at me. I squatted near her on the bed,I gazed around her room. This is actually the first time I'm looking at her room; there's a small bunk bed at the window with pink  overlays and soft lavender cushions,her room was a peachy-yellow color,she had lavender curtains and a small walk-in closet like mines,she had lime green sheets and pillow and gray carpet.
"Uhmm I brought you some food if your hungry...", I began.
She turned on the back and laid her phone down,"I'm fine , I brought grocery, toiletries and house items today , I also cooked lasagna that's in the oven right now not that you asked"
Shit I love lasagna,I lay beside her ignoring her attitude.
"I'm so- I'm sorry Steph"
"Your what?", she smiled teasing me. I know she heard me.
I rolled my eyes. "I said I'm sorry, I know it wasn't your fault,I shouldn't have blamed you, your right, I should be more responsible instead of bitching on other people"
She's smiling. Why is she smiling when I just poured out my heart to her? Wait that's a good thing right ?
She bursts out laughing jumping on me causing me to fall to the floor. "What the hell Stephan your crushing me get off!!!!"
"Your so mean to me!!
"Anyways", she begins" I have sooooo much to tell you Kal", of course she does I mean it's only been a couple hours,"I went out today and bought like a shitload of stuff at Target which I also got a job at by the way, I met this hot guy named James and he said he goes to Florida State College like us, he also says he's apart of a frat and their having a massive party tonight ", aren't they always" and guess what??!!"
"We're going!!!!!"
Is she crazy? We just got here, my mom would kill me if I went to a frat party my first day in Florida.
" Steph I don't think that's a good idea.."
She frowns as she pushes back a lose tendril from her face.
"Why not?, it's a great way to meet new friends in a state were strangers to, your mom won't know unless you get pregnant, raped, drunk and recked a car, arrested ect , plus we still haven't celebrated !!!, please Kal ? Plus I'm sure you have stuff to tell me"
I sighed giving in to her pleading eyes. I meant we really hadn't celebrated for real real yet.
"Fine", I said smiling.
"Yes!!! You never know you probably get laid tonight my friend "she said winking at me.
"Let's get ready!! It's almost 9 let's pick something for you to wear"
"Uh ok" I said while stuffing some food down my throat while I still can.
She raced out the into my room rampaging through my clothes. A couple minutes later she came back with a shorts and I tight crop top marked "slay " and the brown boots I wore today. Not bad I guess.
She stood behind me and started straightening my hair with her flat iron while I eat." Would you stop stuffing your face?"
"I'm hungry !!", I said in my defense. She took the bag from me and I pouted. Let me eat!!
By 10 pm we were both ready . I looked ok I guess, Steph did my makeup which consisted of eyeliner, foundation, dark eyeshadows, lip gloss and my eye brows. She definitely looked hot in her red sundress and white converse,she tied her hair into a messy bun, her make up was fabulously done , not too much just enough . We grabbed our purses and make our way out like the badasses we were. Ha!
"Uhmm do you happen to know where we're going or how were getting there ?" Why didn't i think if this before.
She snorted,"of course I do idiot, James is picking us up soon"
She was smirking all the way, I almost thought we were stranded not so dumb after all. About 5 minutes a red van parks outside our apartment.
"There he is!", She pointed out.
We hurriedly made our way to the van,but James beat us getting out to open the door for us. He had short blonde hair ,pale skin and he had a nose ring, he also had had a tatoo on his neck. I thanked him politely .
"Hi I'm James, I believe you must be Kalie", I nodded my head as he shook my hand.
He hugged Steph and whispered something in her ears which made her giggle. I guess they're not exactly "friends".
We drove into the parkway of a brick building blasting with loud music and dancing with horny drunken people which we are soon to join. We slowly walk in, with James bouncing his head to some song I don't know but it's hurting my head.
"Do you want a drink?"
"Yea", Steph and I both say and James chuckles.
"Ok I'll be right back " and with that he disappears among the sweaty swaying bodies.
"So what do you think?", Steph's shouts over the music.
"It's cool I guess", I shout back.
Call me maybe starts playing and Steph drags me through the crowd to the dance floor. She starts dancing and singing to the catchy tune. I laugh at her and glide my hips unto her . I'm jumping up and down and twirling around raising my hands in the air. I feel exhilarated, this is so fun.
"This is so fun Steph!! I shout gazing at her sideway.
" I know right!!!"
We continue dancing and bouncing into other people, they don't seem to mind. I lose my balance and I feel my body moving towards the ground when a strong arm clamp around my waist pulling me upwards. I open my eyes to see those haunting blue eyes staring into my brown ones. No other than that Matthew. I squeak and push at his hard chest.
"What the fuck!!!"
Steph, James and Matthew are laughing . What's so funny?
"Careful you look like your about to pop a nerve", that Matthew said.
"Chill Kal he just saved you from getting squashed"
I can't believe he's really here, is he really going to my school? Why am I so upset ?
"Thank you ", I said vaguely.
"No problem, it seems we can't stop bumping into each other, although I really don't mind", he said winking.
"Oh my shit!! You guys have met before ?" Kill me now .
I take my drink from James and drown half of the cup down my throat inviting the burn. It tastes like lemonade and cherry vodka,I assume it is. I involuntarily start choking.
"Hey easy there tiger", that Matthew rubs my back and clears his throat.
"Let's go sit on the couch", James said leading to the back of the room shoving pass the sweaty bodies.
Steph was the first to speak," so how did you guys meet ?", shes grinning like a fucking bunny.
"Well,he started, " I met this sweet thing at a small coffee shop moaning on-"
I quickly reached to cover his lips, why does he insist on always embarrassing me. He darted his tongue to lick my hands which I quickly retrieved. "Ewww!!!!"
He winked at me.
"Omg omg omg!!!! This is Matthew?" I drowned the rest of my drink and laid my head on the couch. "Refill please "
"Sure thing m'lady", James smirked and went to refill my drink.
"Why didn't you tell me Kal ?"
Because you won't shut up for 3 minutes .
"I think she's a little embarrassed of me, I don't know why",that Matthew says smiling at me.
I gave a little smile back, what ? He's playing with my head. James comes in time to ease my confusion. I take my drink and it goes down easier this time now that it doesn't burn as much. I was starting to feel a bit light headed when Steph says "let's dance morons" and pulls us up. I watch as the guy who I thought was sleeping vomited on the couch. Sucks for who's going to clean that.
The song What's makes you beautiful by One Direction  comes on and I start screaming. Why am I screaming? The four of us start dancing and shouting the lyrics.

Baby you light up my world like no body else . The way that you flip your hair makes me overwhelmed . But when you smile at the ground it 'ain't hard to tell...
You don't know oh oh oh
You don't know your beautiful !!!!

The entire frat is singing, we're gyrating and it's amazing really. I don't mind. When I feel that Matthew soft lips at my earlobe whispering the words of the song in my ears.
You don't know your beautiful...
That's what makes you beautiful.
I laugh at that Matthew, I swing my arms around him and jump into his arms crashing my lips on to his. He tastes like cherry, or is that my lip? I love cherry. I always put cherry on my pistachio ice cream. Stephan thinks it's nasty but I find it pretty. Like this Matthew , is this why he tastes like cherry? I chuckle as I rub my lips against his. He's stopping. Why is he stopping ?
"Okay let's get you home your wasted", he says .
I laugh at this Matthew. "Why do you taste like cherry on my pistachio?"
His chest shakes with laughter,"I don't know sunshine probably it's the vodka"
Oh yes that. I frown.
"Where's Stepan with my drink?"
"I think you have had enough, let me take you home kalie,let's go find Stephan and James"
"We don't have a car silly,and it's not in  that big apartment either  ", I whisper in his ears.
He smiles at me then sighs. I think he's sad. He picks me up and starts walking. Were going to wonderland like Alice to bring her some cherry . "Are we going to wonderland to meet Alice Mr?
That mister laughed so hard at me I laughed back too.
We're going to wonderland.

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