Chapter 18

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Life is one of the most spontaneous things that will ever happen to you, it can simply shift into another direction leaving you to find your way or cause a bird to take a shit on your head out of nowhere.
The moment I agreed to be with Matthew I made a commitment to not only him but myself, I've forced myself to move on from everything of the past and start a new-with him.
But what if I told you I'm scared? What if I said that I don't know what to do or how to act? I'm scared of messing things up with him and then never forgiving my self. It's hard to start over a new, but I'm willing to.
After he left , I had a shower and cleaned up my self up and the apartment a little spraying a little air spray in the living room; I didn't want Stephan asking why the house smells like sex when she gets here. When she did get here she was suspicious of how clean and lemony the house smelt; Psshhhh like I never clean, I told her everything (excluding the details on how we both had our first orgasm together on the sofa), about Jake being gay , Matthew and I deciding to finally be together and his story about his sister.
She facial expressions changed humorously throughout me telling her everything; imagine that, she even did her infamous "happy dance" after hearing that I'm ready for an actual relationship with Matthew. We broke our first lamp during that event, yaayy.

Note the sarcasm.

I didn't tell her though , how devastatingly terrified I am of being with someone again. I'm trusting Matthew though.

I spoke to my mother that same night; she was quite relaxed surprisingly she didn't attack me or curse me out, she simply spoke with ease as she asked how things were. I'm excited and a little on edge about tomorrow when I'll be seeing him again, holding him, talking to him, touching him. The drive is just there; I feel like when I had my first crush in the first grade and I'd be fluttered just by him walking by, I've even started thinking about what to wear tomorrow. I never premeditate my outfits or look.
I'm sitting on my small single bed thinking about everything when Stephan walks in with her pillow and sheet.

"Can't sleep ?"

She sighs and shakes her head saying no .
I really should be sleeping now but I somehow can't seem to calm the buzzing thoughts in my head. Is it wrong that I can't stop thinking about him? I look over to see Stephan snuggled up against her pillows safely covered by the thick quilts. She looks so peaceful regardless of the soft snore escaping her lips.


Why can't I stop thinking about that beautiful creature! Damn you!
I pull my phone from under the pillows on my bunk bed scrolling through my contacts until I saw his name, I took a deep breath placing the phone at my ears after dialing his number.
It's rings out for the first time .
Then the second.
Then the third.
Then the fourth .
I sighed giving up, maybe he's sleeping or worn out or busy doing stuff.
Well, I guess I'll just have to think myself to sleep....


Stephan Pryce turned off the alarm causing us to oversleep and guess who's late? That's right, Kalie Haughton. I look like shit because I kept rushing without paying attention, I'm wearing a dark jeans ripped at the knee and an oversized T-shirt, a brown scarf with my hair done in a ponytail. I swear I can still smell the toothpaste in my hair.

"I'm sorry! Would you stop giving me the stinky eye? I was exhausted !!", she yells at me as we're locking the car doors and buckling our seat belts. I don't care though, she's the reason we're late right now.

"Well you should've stayed home, don't see why you had to turn off the damn alarm !!", I yelled back equally loud.

"I said I'm freaking sorry ok, I was slightly unconscious !!"

I sighed starting My Baby, usually, I'd hear the rush of the engine hurrying to life from my touch but now it's like a mere "engine fart ".
Please don't.
I try again giving Steph a look.
It doesn't start after me trying about five fucking times and I'm starting to get freaking pissed . Why!!
She curls her feet on the seat biting her lips peeking at me while I give her the stinky eye.

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