Chapter 8

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As soon as I get inside the apartment, I take my phone out to call Abbey. We were all really close in high school and I don't want that to change because of some stupid misunderstanding. I dial her number and she picks up on the third ring.

"Hello", she answers lowly.

"Uhmm hey Abbs,  sorry I didn't text you from before but things got a little hectic, last night Steph took me to a stupid frat party and I got wasted and when I woke up my eyed were the size of a gulf ball which they still are", I see Steph enter my room, I put my fingers to my lips to shush her as she plumps on my bed," because this guy put an aspirin in my water  unknowingly also I missed my first of college because I was too hangover but no worries my mom says if I don't get my shit together soon she'll conspire my death"
I hear her chuckle and I know she's laying down from how relaxed her breathing is.

"Waaiittt a minute, did I hear you say a guy put an aspirin in your water?"
Is she serious?

"Abbey I missed my first day of college and that's all you heard?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, how'd that go?"

So I tell her, everything from the coffee shop when I met Matthew, the drunken kiss till now. I watch as Steph bulges her eyes out until the anger starts rising. I know she's upset that I didn't tell her all this and now she's hearing while I'm telling Abbs but really I haven't gotten the chance to tell her. It's hard enough getting her to stop talking then interrupting, Abbey has always been a better listener. I sigh as she walks out to my room not saying a word.

"Wow Kal...that's a lot to take in, what have you done about college and your allergies ?"

"Steph called in and informed them, they'll email me the lessons I missed, and I have like a shitload of tablets to stuff down my throat"

"Oh.." I can hear her sigh I know she's a little jealous I moved in with Steph and not her," I'm so sorry, hope you get better soon, anyways, do you like this Matthew guy? Does that mean you're over uhmm... Him"

I know she's talking about Chad, we dated for over a year in high school and I hadn't bottled up enough courage to talk about it really, I'm a coward, I shove things under the mat and avoid inevitable instances and situation. My friends were really supportive after we broke up when he got accepted into his dream college and let me tell you it wasn't Florida State College, and he decided we were outdated, a week later I saw him embracing another girl. I was utterly broken and ever since we would refer to Chad as "him".

"You know you can say his name now, I won't die of reminder"

" I know... Just saying. So are you ?", she's really not letting this slip.

I think carefully, besides Matthew's gorg look, he's mysterious and excites me a bit, I'm puzzled that he took care of me when I got wasted and didn't drug me nor take advantage of me, he acts all arrogant but I think he's really fun and sweet. He always manages to surprise me and I keep thinking about our kiss although it probably meant nothing to him. I'm not putting myself into a situation like this again.

" I don't know Abbs, I'm not really looking for a relationship right now anyway, I just won't focus on college for a bit", I answer truthfully.

"Ok, I totally understand, I'm sorry I snapped at you without hearing your story"

"It's ok, how are you, how's NYU?

She begins to tell me everything, from her arrival, her roommate who is from Australia, her first day and all her classes, her new friend's name Sammy I think, how her parents call her every day to talk, and how neither Rebecca nor Rick has contacted her.
We talk for another hour until we say our goodbyes and hang up.

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