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Daniel stayed in his bed all day, soft tears running down his cheeks as he recollected every memory he had of the lost boy. He held his pillow in his arms, as if grasping onto Phil or, more likely, the memory of Phil.
He had cried so much, he thought as though he would never be able to cry again.
His sandwich lay abandoned on his bed side table, along with a pack of tissues which were slowly run through as the day carried on.
He didn't think that he would ever spend most of a day sprawled out on a bed in pure sorrow, but he did.
And the image that stuck itself in his brain, like a broken record repeatedly playing the same set of notes, was blue, blue, blue.
Blue sighs, blue eyes, blue skies.
Blue streets, blue sheets, blue weeks.

Christopher walked around the house for a while, feeling overly free and whimsical.
It was a strange feeling, being mobile after weeks of being completely immobile.
As he took his third lap around the living room, his eyes rested on a canvas laid next to his sofa.
He'd forgotten completely about his art, it had been his way of escape before he'd confined himself into the stained bathroom of his. If anything, not making art was what put him in that room.
The painting was propped up against the seat, quiet and undisturbed. It was inanimate, unknowing of his pain or his longing for things to be as they were.
Washed out brush strokes littered the canvas, purple and blue and green and yellow, blended together by drips and leaks of the watercolour.
Chris mustered enough power to display the closest thing to a smile he could get on his face.
Faster than he had done anything in a long time, he grabbed his paints and a piece of paper from the desk and knelt down on the floor.
He painted the scene that seemed most vivid in his mind at that moment - a sunset through a tiny window. The beauty and lusciousness of the crimson light filling the page but partially cut off with the stark white window frame.
He painted red. He painted it in all its pain and beauty and anger and passion.

PJ half got up, half rolled out of his bed, landing face first on the deep green carpet, thankful he hadn't landed on a bottle or something equally as hard and painful.
'I set some clothes out for you,' said the girl as she scampered off into the corridor to go do something else.
He had decided he didn't like the sound of her voice. Or the way she walked. Or anything about her, really.
She was too energetic, her tone was high pitched and her hair was unnaturally bright.
He took the clothes, though, and despite his pulsing headache got dressed and attempted to tame his hair.
The girl popped her head through the door frame and said something PJ didn't even bother to decode. Something about leaving, soon.
And sure enough, the two were soon walking out of the door at an aggravatingly fast pace while the girl continued to babble on about the errands they were to do on their journey outside.
He squinted at the unusual light his eyes were being exposed to, not used to the brightness of the sun, and the distinct crunch of their feet on the gravel of the driveway caused his ears to ring excessively.
All in all, PJ wasn't all too excited to be outside, but he was reasonably contented by the beauty he had been missing while being cooped up inside his bedroom.
The trees and grass were lush and healthy and the flowers dotted around the yards of neighbours and in the parks were certainly handsome. Green was everywhere, but that was just the nature of late spring.
Spring was a time of rebirth, new animals were born and the leaves shed over the winter come back again.
He smiled - a kind of crazy, slightly malevolent smile which you only tend to see on madmen. Somehow, he thought, this spring may also be a time for rebirth in me. I could be a new person by the time summer comes around. I could have new friends, a girlfriend or maybe a boyfriend? Maybe I'll find out who this bloody person is that keeps following me around. Let's just hope both she and this shitting headache goes away soon enough.
And with that, he laughed heartily to himself, earning a confused side look from his companion.

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