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Daniel fell asleep first, head comfortably leaning on some pillows and arms rapped around a blanket. The two other boys sat next to him, conversing in hushed voices.
'I'm so glad we met again,' Chris said and smiled in a senseless and delighted way which made PJ smile with him, 'I missed you a lot.'
They both stayed like that, smiling and staring at each other's beaming and goofy grins.
'I don't know if it's me or the Ribena talking,' PJ broke the comfortable silence with his quiet yet strong voice, 'but you're really pretty.'

Christopher and the other boy finally fell asleep much later that night, side by side with their fingers laced together. Their chests rose and fell just as the curtains swung back and forth due to the light spring breeze and the night quickly passed.
Morning came just as planned, and usurped the day with a brilliant sunrise painted with pastel pinks and purples and, most noticeably, red. This was Chris' day, even though he didn't know it yet.

PJ approached the former not so soon after all three boys had awoken.
'Chris, we saw-' he stopped for a moment, not sure how to say the words, '-the bathroom.'
Chris sighed, having half-forgotten about the horrors of the bathroom until now.
'It's a mess, Chris. We need to do something about it,' Dan interjected, 'it's upsetting.'
The boys sat in an uncomfortable silence for a while. Chris rubbed his temples and sighed again.
'I vote we go to the shops and get some heavy duty cleaner and get that shit cleaned up,' PJ said abruptly, interrupting the silence for the second time since last night, 'we'll make it smell nice too. It'll be great.'
Dan put his arm around Chris' shoulder comfortingly and spoke. 'You ok with that, bud?'
Chris shook with a sob and sniffled, trying his best to hold back tears.
'You guys are the kindest friends anyone could ever ask for.'

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