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For the second time that week, Daniel and the other boys found themselves in the supplies store, trudging around on the search for paint and some more cleaning things.
'I don't want to repaint the flat,' Dan protested as they stood in front of the immense colour wheel of the store, 'it's fine how it is.'
'It's not fine, Dan,' Chris stated, looking his friend in the eye, 'it's saddening.'
Dan replied with a frown as a woman in a green apron and a name tag approached their group. She asked what they were looking for.
'We're painting an apartment and we're trying to decide on a colour,' PJ informed her.
'I'm thinking blue,' Dan said, trying to get his point across, 'I mean it's already blue. Do we really need to paint it again?'
Chris shook his head, exasperated by Dan's stubbornness but upset by how much he really didn't want to change the room.
'The colour purple is very popular at the moment,' the woman said, pointing to a lilac on the colour wheel, 'it's very similar to blue.'
'I want the complete opposite of that. I hate purple!' Dan almost yelled, more angrily than he had intended.
PJ almost laughed, really not impressed by Dan's childishness in this situation. He felt almost embarrassed in front of the store worker, as if he was a parent with a boy having a temper tantrum.
'Well if you look at the wheel, the complete opposite would technically be yellow, if that's what you mean,' the woman said.
Chris smiled and locked eyes with PJ as they both nodded, perfect.
'That's nice, yellow is such a warm and happy colour. Isn't that right, Dan?' PJ spoke, putting his hand on his companion's shoulder to try to convince him. Dan didn't reply, just shrugged.
'I think we've decided,' Chris said, turning to the woman.
Over the next five or so minutes, Chris and her discussed tones and lighting and other strange things relating to paint until they had finally decided on an exact shade.

Chris paid for the paint and the other things they'd bought and soon they were on their way, Dan still sulking and dragging his heels down the pavement. They finally arrived at the desolate flat, ready to get to work.
'I really don't think this is such a good idea,' Dan stated, trying to get the attention of the other two as they carried a piece of furniture out of the first room they were going to paint.
'Do you want to go take a walk, Dan? We can do all this and you can just go relax, I don't want you worrying about it,' PJ suggested, putting the table down in the hallway.
Dan followed his instruction and was soon en route for the park, or the coffee shop, or really anywhere, his vision blurred by tears. He fought them back as he continued walking, reminding himself that it's all for the best.

PJ and Chris took this opportunity to really get to work and soon all but a couple of the blue rooms were glossed over with a new, sunny yellow. The flat was filled with the chemical scent of paint. They then descended on the bathroom, brushes and soaps in hand. The gritty tiles were soon sparkling and white, as with the shower and sink. The kitchen was next, the trash cleared out of the fridge and off of the counters. The bedroom was left to last as it was the most difficult job. The two took care of the walls and then went through the cupboards.
'There's so many clothes,' PJ remarked.
'And we all know who they belong to,' Chris replied, picking up a shirt and folding it neatly.
'What are we gonna do with all of it?'
'We're not getting rid of it,' Chris said, 'that would be too horrible. We'll confront him about it once the flat's done and the paint's try. Make them look nice and leave them in the front room.'

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