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Daniel led the two others out of the door and down the street and all three of them were standing outside the supermarket within the next 10 minutes. They marched in like warriors looking for their next kill, except they weren't looking for their next kill they were looking for heavy duty cleaner. Eventually, the boys did find what they were looking for and walked out of the store holding bags and bags of it.
PJ and Dan reentered the flat, their faces a mask of resolute, and set to work on the bathroom.

Christopher hesitated, not wanting to go in the room because of its grimy state and the memories he still associated with it. He stayed right outside of the door, pacing up and down the corridor as the smell of soap wafted from the cracks in the doorframe. His hands shook slightly with anxiety and each footstep he made correlated to a loud rhythm of shoe hitting wood, shoe hitting wood, shoe hitting wood.

PJ broke that rhythm eventually, however, as he opened the door and strolled out, a satisfied grin on his face.
'Come look,' he said, motioning to the bathroom.
Chris did so, anxiously inching towards the door until he was finally faced with a sight he wasn't expecting. In the bathroom sat Dan holding a brush, scraping the last blood stain from the side of the bathtub. Apart from that, the room was spotless and the sink looked shinier than it had done when he first bought it. His hands cupped his open mouth as he gasped.
'You guys really-? Thank you!' He spurted out before pulling PJ into a giant, thankful bear hug. Dan joined in, dropping the brush and making his way over to join the huddle of affection.
Chris' worries, at least the ones regarding the memories of that bathroom, were long gone, diffusing out of the bathroom through the little window, just like the faint smell of air freshener that drifted outside. This was his enlightenment, his page turned, his new chapter reached. He was ready for the future, no longer dreading it. He knew that now, with the help of his kind-natured best friends, that he was going to not only survive but thrive.
Christopher was free.

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