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Daniel stumbled into the flat much later and was met with an odd view. The flat was transformed: the light bulbs had been changed, the carpet had been cleaned, there was no longer trash covering the floor, and, most noticeably, the walls were now a pleasant yellow colour which still glinted in the sun light. He gasped slightly, so surprised by the new look of the place.
His two friends walked into the room, motioning for him to follow then down the hallway and into the other rooms of the apartment. He did, a dazed and blank expression masking his face. He really didn't know how to feel.
'Look, Dan,' Chris said joyously, pointing into the clean and not-so-depressing bathroom.
After Dan's absence of a reply, they took him into the bedroom, showing the bed they'd dismantled so as to get to the walls. Dan's most fell open, as if to gasp but also as if to scream. And that's what he did; he screamed.
'You, you ruined it!' he spat, turning to confront them, 'I had it left so perfectly, the way he had left it! It was fine the way it was, why did you do this?'
The pair looked at each other, stunned by Dan's emotional response. He continued.
'You don't understand! You just don't! I left it like that for a reason! That's how Phil wanted it! You've made a mess and he won't be here to help me clean it up.' He made his way over to the dresser where the drawers sat, empty. 'You emptied them? How dare you! What did you do with his clothes?' Dan was practically crying now, screaming the words as they rolled off his tongue irrationally. Hot tears trickled down his face as he grabbed the handle of a drawer and flung it back so that it flew out of the dresser and hit the floor behind him. He continued to do so for most of the other drawers until there was only a couple left, then turning around and looking at the horrified faces of his two friends and the mess of broken wood on the newly clean floors.
This is when he snapped and the gravity of the situation and what he'd done smacked him in the face; he sunk to his knees, letting the tears flood his face and just sitting there, shaking.
'I'm so-' he choked out, 'I'm so sorry.'
PJ and Chris dashed over to his side and sat at his level, attempting to get him to calm down.
'Shhhhh, it's ok.'
'It's gonna be fine, Dan, try to calm yourself down.'
'Just try to breathe.'
'Dan, can you hear me?'

Christopher looked into PJ's eyes, horrified, as Dan slumped onto the floor, eyes half lidded. He had stopped crying, but was now lying, lifeless, in front of them.
'Fuck,' PJ said, springing up from his seat and jumping over the broken wood to reach Dan's phone. He pressed the three numbers into the keypad and was met with a calm voice on the other end of the line.
'Hello, 999 what's your emergency?'
'My friend- he's just collapsed in front of us. We need help, we need an ambulance!' PJ yelled down the phone as he caught sight of Chris in his peripheral vision, attempting to get a response from their unconscious friend.
The person on the phone asked for an address and he obliged hurriedly, they promised there would be an ambulance on the way as soon as possible. He passed the phone to Chris and gave him a nod as the person listed some things that were essential to keep doing before the ambulance arrived.
'Try to talk to him, keep him with us' were the last words PJ heard before he whizzed out of the room, out of the flat, down the stairs, out of the building.
The ambulance arrived merely 5 or so minutes later and two or three people jumped out of the front seat holding first aid bags and some other things. PJ led them upstairs and they found Dan and got to work, both of the two boys walking out of the room to get a small break.
'We really messed up,' Chris said, rubbing his temples.
'We tried to do our best, though.'
'I'm just so worried about Dan.'
'This isn't the first time he's passed out because of hysterics. He's gonna be ok, I promise,' PJ said as he reached for the other's hand, grasping it warmly. The two shared a glance and then faced towards the room to return to the madness.
Inside the dismantled bedroom, three nurses knelt by Dan's side, performing numerous procedures on the unconscious boy. Eventually, a loud gasp was audible and then the loud sound of heavy breathing filled the room. Dan sat up, his face glistening with sweat and tears and his chest rising and falling rapidly.

Both PJ and Chris sighed in relief, moving slowly towards the cluster of medics on the floor of the room.
'Is he ok?' Chris asked, looking at one of the girls.
'He'll be fine. He passed out from hysterics, right?' she said, holding her hand on Dan's wrist to check his pulse.
'Yeah, he was really worried about something.'
'Ok, sounds good. He's still a bit shaken up, is it ok if we give him some weak sedative to calm his nerves for the time being?'
Chris raised his eyebrows and nodded, wanting the best for his friend who still sat bolt upright, breathing unevenly. The girl reached for something in a bag and pulled out a syringe, gesturing to her coworkers as she punctured Dan's skin with the needle.
PJ looked at Chris as if to say 'is this a good idea?'. Chris shrugged.
Soon, the nurses were done and packed up.
'You were right to call us, he's lucky to have friends like you guys,' the girl said and PJ laughed at the irony of the statement, 'he'll be a bit loopy because of the sedative for a while. It's ok, it'll wear off after a bit. If anything happens and you think he's having an allergic reaction or anything else goes wrong, don't hesitate to call us again.'
Chris mumbled a quiet 'thanks' and the group left, dragging their medical equipment behind them.

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