42 : Long Chapter

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Fair Warning : I think this chapter is extremely boring , but yall might not . Anywho , enjoy .


I knew Aleana was going to do something stupid to Kloey and apparently Ulysses did too because here we were standing outside of Uliyanna's hospital room.

Ulysses: Since we know Aleana is going after Kloey , we gotta go after Aleana.

Jalen: Hell nah! Kloey's ass need to die after what she did. 

Ulysses: Nigga keep ya got damn voice down!

Jay: This nigga said to keep your voice down when his is louder.

Jalen and I laughed as Ulysses hit him making Jay rub his arm and glare at Ulysses.

Me: Alright , so what're we gonna do?

Ulysses: Well , I'm gonna stay here with my sister , I've tracked down where Aleana is at since I have a tracker in my car. You three are going to go there and make sure no traces lead back to Aleana because Aleana is kind of iffy about cleaning up her messes. Well , these kind of messes. 

Me: And the body?

Ulysses: Aleana has my cleaning service number. They'll know what to do.

Jalen: And the address?

Ulysses handed her a slip of paper.

Ulysses: Right there and make sure no evidence leads back to you.

Jay: Alright. Let's go before he hits me again.

Jalen laughed.

Jalen: Let's go.

We walked out the hospital , getting into Jay's car with me riding shotgun.

Jay: Yall think Aleana could kill Kloey alone?

Jalen: I dunno but I would have to say yeah.

Me: I don't see why she couldn't. If she was in her regular state of mind , then probably not but since she found out what Kloey did to Uliyanna , then definitely yeah.

We turned the corner.

Jalen: Jenay , what should we expect?

Me: Nigga I don't know. Why you asking me?

Jalen: Cause that's your to-be-girlfriend sooner or later.

Me: We already together. We got together earlier today and still , I don't know.

Jay: Damn man , about time. Yall were acting like a fucking couple shit , I bet the entire damn school thinks your together.

I shrugged while laughing more to myself then them.

Me: Eh , they can mind their own damn business and why do you cuss so damn much.

Jalen: Says you.

Me: I don't cuss as much as him.

Jay: Right , you cuss more then me.

Me: Lie again.

His tires came to a screeching halt beside Ulysses's car.

Jalen: Well , glad to know she's still here.

Jay shot her a look and we got out.

Jay: Okay , this is a warehouse , she could be anywhere.

Me: Split up and look for her?

We went inside , the door slowly creaking close after us. 

Jalen: Damn , she just had to pick the spooky one.

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